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Posted: Jun 18, 2010 3:10 pm
by nanny_56
So nice when they come by while you are sitting on the front porch!

First was DAD
IMG_5053 (Small).JPG
Then came BABY!
IMG_5055 (Small).JPG
Then Mom
IMG_5056 (Small).JPG


Posted: Jun 20, 2010 8:00 am
by govgirl75
I know they are pests, but they are so pretty. We are fortunate to not have problems with them here, so we enjoy seeing them when we are in the yard.
Thanks for sharing the pictures of the "family unit".


Posted: Jun 21, 2010 11:21 am
by Ginger
Cool :cool: :cool: I have never seen a buck with the family before :beer: :beer:

We had 6 deer that were frequent visitors to our yard, 2 Does and each had two fawns. They came for over two years straight so we watched the fawns grow up, it was so neat. This year, only one doe :( I am guessing some were taken down by hunters :bawl: but hoping they just moved to new territory.



Posted: Jun 22, 2010 9:49 am
by nanny_56
We are not sure waht is up with this buck. The old buck that used to led this group of does(there are 4) would never bee seen this late. We would see him with the group in early spring and then again in the fall.

This young gun is a little aggressive and nervous. I have come cpme across him 3 times and he always stomps & snorts and starts coming towards me. :eek:

So I have decide It would be best to stay out of his way! So I try to be extra alert when I am walking at night now.


Posted: Jun 25, 2010 4:07 pm
by govgirl75
Do be careful. I have a friend who rode his bike to work every day. The bike path was through woods and meadows and he came across a lot of wildlife on his travels. One day, a buck stopped in the path and Bob stopped to look at him. The buck charged Bob. The only thing he could think of is the buck saw his helmet and the two side view mirrors as antlers and mistook him for a buck. Fortunately, when Bob stood up and yelled and waved his arms, the buck stopped short and returned to the woods. It is always something.