Wondering if anyone has these cultivars?

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Wondering if anyone has these cultivars?

Post by grdngrl3 »

I just ordered these hostas and would love any advice including special tips on care and suggestions for color pairings. If you have pics you want to share, great! I am actually pretty new to hosta gardening, but loving it (minus the HVX concerns).!

Cultivars are: Cathedral Windows, Paradise Island, Big Daddy, and Striptease.

I have shade, partial shade, and sun in my garden in different areas and clay soil which always has to be amended. I also have planted some recent ones in pots to quarantine them, so that is always an option, too.

If you don't have these cultivars, but have a personal favorite and want to share a picture of that, I'd love to see that, too.

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Re: Wondering if anyone has these cultivars?

Post by morgansrgr8 »

The only one I have is Striptease. 3 large clumps of them in different areas of the garden. All are doing great and I don't have very good soil either. Doesn't seem to mind my pine tree either.
I know I am past the point of no return but what a way to go.

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Re: Wondering if anyone has these cultivars?

Post by bkay2000 »

I have Striptease, Cathedral Windows and Big Daddy. All have done well for me in Texas, in a pot, so they should do fine for you. Cathedral Windows seems to enjoy a lot of light. Striptease has done well in dappled shade, but I haven't tried it anywhere else. Big Daddy has survived morning sun (it burned) and has done well for me in bright shade.

I really like all of them.

Big Daddy last year - the reed fence was it's only shade from the western sun. It seemed to like it. However, it didn't like the morning sun this year.
Big Daddy last year - the reed fence was it's only shade from the western sun. It seemed to like it. However, it didn't like the morning sun this year.
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Re: Wondering if anyone has these cultivars?

Post by Chris_W »

Cathedral Windows and Striptease are both great growers that can be forgiving in different conditions. Big Daddy does well in more acidic soil with lots of moisture and good organic matter - clay isn't all that bad, just amend well and hostas enjoy the moisture holding soil.

Paradise Island is a spring yellow that needs full shade to grow best. I also find it does better in areas with a little better drainage, and the red stemmed plants don't want to be buried too deep, so I keep the roots and the base of the crowns on those only about 1/4 to 1/2" deep at most. I know that probably sounds like a tougher one to grow, but it isn't that bad and one of the prettiest plants in the spring. It will combine nicely with Big Daddy :)
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