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Post by allhuskrred »

Went outside to sit down and have some tea and sure and behold the mailman (never expected it this early) said he had a package for me and what a package it WAS!
Rachel aka hummingbird sent me a extremely wonderful package filled with fabulous hosta's and a few extra's

Here is what she sent me :

Gypsy Rose -had but died and am so thrilled to have another one,
Warwick Delight -same as above,
Gemini Moon -absolute must have
Marda Gras -another great one I don't have,
Old Glory-Have but could always use an other
And First Frost -don't have but have always wanted

and if that wasn't enough she sent me a pin that has a hosta on it and it says hosta addict and a cup which has these hosta pics on it and it is so cool.

THANKS ALOT!!!!!! Rachel ,
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Post by maidofshade »

:cool: This is really fun!!!!!
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Post by LucyGoose »

:cool: WOW!!! How cool is THAT?? :cool:

Gemini Moon....I do not know this one.....Like the name!

Willie (our new puppy) and I best go walk the gardens with my traders list to see what she doesn't have but I do..... :P
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Post by grdnnkd »

I thought I'd be the first to post, but didn't get home until now!

I received my secret trade from Relnado75. As luck would have it he was my secret trader from 2005 and just as generous!

I received nice divisons of the following six hosta :o :
Choo Choo Train (one I have wanted for a while and one that Calvin, my son loves as he is a big train fan :bd: )
Frosted Jade
Night Before Christmas
Permanent Wave (My wife has claimed this one as the wavys are her favorite! :lol: )
Yellow Splash Rim

Reldon sent a nice description and history of each plant too. I think that this is the part of the trades that I like best.

Off to check out some measurements in the Hosta Library to find where to plant them!

Thanks Reldon!
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Post by hummingbird »

Well I guess it was my lucky day too! Malaprop was my secret trader and she sent me 2 lovely divisions; 'Halcyon' (I left my clump behind in Canada) so glad to have it once again (yes I needed more blues)... also a new to me fragrant one 'Sweetie', what a lovely color it has too.
She also added 2 other non hosta surprises of a bright yellow pennywort and a pink blooming oxalis....both of which I've never grown before. I hope to get them all planted tomorrow once this rain decides to stop.
Thank you so much Mal for making my day and to you Roxanne for putting this rather large task together for all of us to enjoy! :P

Allhuskered (Allen)- So glad you got them today and your happy with them....they did get some cold when I potted them up in spring, so some leaves weren't so pretty (sorry for that). Yes the mug and pin I designed recently and are pics from my hostas here (your the first to have these). I thought they turned out so pretty, so now you can enjoy your tea like every 'Shady Gardener' should . :wink:
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Post by nanny_56 »

Sounds like everyone is very happy!! :P

We now know LG's is a her!!! :lol:

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Post by Nathalie23 »

:cool: I already received my secret trade from Digs57! :cool: That's the second year she peak me!!! I had to wait untill 8h00PM before I can take them at the post office even if I knew I had a package at noon. This is unhuman :lol: First when I saw the letter telling me I had to go pick up a package, I had a moment of lost memories because I was asking me what it can be.... :-?

The hostas are very healthy and have huge roots!!! She sent me: Permanent Wave (so promising!), Grand Tiara (love the Tiara family), Lemon Frost (so cute tiny leaves) and Mama Mia (love the name and the plant!). Just like last year, Dorothy was very gracious and wrote me in french :D

Thanks a lot Dorothy!!!!

I usually speak french so sorry for my mistakes in english
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Post by renaldo75 »

Brian - I'm glad to know that you received your pkg OK. And glad that you liked what I sent. :P I was hoping that you didn't have Choo Choo Train yet. That one was about the only one on your wish list that I had to send. [I had a couple of others, but they're not really dividable yet.] I did a little digging & did find your Hosta List on a message you posted, but when I looked thru the member pages I didn't find a page for you. :hmm: That still has me baffled - where is your list being hosted from?? :-? It sounds like you're getting the whole family involved in your hosta collecting. :P That should make it easier all around. :wink:

Just an interesting note on delivery speeds using the Post Office. I sent Brian's out on Monday afternoon and it arrived on Wed. - that's going north from where I am. I sent a private trade to Linda P Tuesday afternoon & less than 24 hours later I had an email from her saying her pkg had arrived already. :o I was amazed!! I guess east is faster - must have had a strong tail wind. :wink:

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Post by LucyGoose »

nanny_56 wrote:
We now know LG's is a her!!! :lol:

....... :o Oooops
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Post by caliloo »

Well - that still doesn;t narrow it down much.... There were a LOT of traders in this time and most were women/girls/ladies :lol:
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Post by ademink »

Oooooh, mine will arrive at my ST's house tomorrow!!!! :o

I hope they like it! :eek: :lol:


It's like a hosta-proposal or something! Will they say yes? roflol :lol:
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Post by baja220 »

Wow, you guys are gettin some nice stuff!!!!

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Post by newtohosta-no more »

I love this part of the trade.....reading what everyone got! :D And btw....I was a good girl and DID get my trade mailed out yesterday! :wink: Hope they like what I sent. :???:
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Post by caliloo »

Nope - I am not giving in to peer pressure. I probably could hurry and dig some stuff fast today and get it out but I don't want stuff sitting in a hot Post Office over a long weekend. My ST is just going to have to cool his/her heels until after the weekend!

Alexa - plus, I may do a little extra shopping for making my ST wait :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Post by tsneal »

Woohoo....mine is here and mostly planted!!!!!!

Awesome package arrived yesterday afternoon from MaidofShade....absolutely perfect!!!

I received Lakeside Babyface, Harpoon, Iona, Lemon Lime, Gold Edger, Little Wonder, and the cutiest little Heurchera that she started from seed!!! Usually I have to think hard about where to place things ...and they sit for a bit. These choices were so perfect I was able to plant them after giving them a bit of a drink. Only one not planted was Iona (it looks a bit different from the picture so I needed some more time..hee..hee).

Thank you so very, very much Cheryl!!!! Wonderful package you put together for me....I'm soooo appreciative!!!!!

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Post by allhuskrred »

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Post by maidofshade »

Glad you liked them Stephanie! Iona is a new one for me also. I can't find alot about it, maybe someone who has it can post a picture of a mature one. :D ENJOY
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Post by renaldo75 »

Ademink/Andrea - what time should I pick you up for dinner??


:lol: :lol: :lol:

Good thing I was looking down when I stepped onto the back porch earlier this afternoon. There was a box there from my hosta trader Ademink/Andrea. :cool: :P
Thank you very much!! :D

I honestly still can't believe that she was able to fit all of what she did into this box. :o Amazingly there was still enough room for some newspaper packing.

Here's what she included:

Marion Bachman - I only know this one thru Hank's POTD & have always admired it, but I honestly don't think I've ever seen it in a garden I've been in. :P

Thunderbolt - she said it was to try again since my 1st one didn't make it. :wink:

The above 2 are divisions from her plants. The others below are all TC's.

Bill Dress's Blue - a cute little blue mini. :)

Clear Fork River Valley - this one has been #1 or #2 on my wish list [depending on the day] since I saw a pic of Van Wade's a couple of years ago. :cool: :P

Fall Bouquet - I've seen pics of the pretty floral display it puts on in the autumn, but I didn't know the petioles were covered with cranberry colored dots front & back clear up to the leaves. :o 8-)

High Kicker - this one also has lighter cranberry dots on the petioles that fade out & stop about an inch below the leaf. I'm not familiar with this one so some research will be in order - but it looks like a nice one. :P

Moon Lily - I've always liked the name & thought it looked pretty 8-) when I saw pics of it. It's a nice gold. :D

4 of those little guys were wrapped in one newspaper bundle. You should have seen the look on my face when I undid it. :o :o :cool: LOL

And you would think that would be enough in one box for a trade for one named hosta - but you'd be wrong. :o

Andrea also included 4 companion plants:

Brunnera Macrophylla - my one brunnera disappeared completely after the cold temps this spring - this looks like a nice vigorous one!! 8-)

Lily of the Valley - one of my favorite flowers. :D

Northern Quaking Oat Grass - I've seen pics but I'm not familiar with it. Looks kinda :cool: - does it spread or stay put??

Solomon's Seal - I like this with hostas. :P

I'll have to compare the Lily of the Valley and Solomon's Seal from Indianapolis with the ones I have here & see if there's any differences. [The lily of the valley I have here came from my home that my mom would have planted there. It either came from her folks or my dad's or maybe a neighbor so it's from old old stock.] The LOTV Andrea sent looks to have slightly different foliage.

So 7 new hostas & 4 companion plants - what a haul!! :cool: :P :cool: And she included a nice note & labels she printed out that I can peel & stick on my own markers. :P 8-)

Thank you so much Ademink/Andrea!!!

I sure didn't have long to wait - no stressing out for me. :wink: I didn't have time to stress. :lol: :lol:

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Post by Patrushka »

I received a very special secret trade package today. It came from Reldon in Iowa but it was sent on behalf of Old72Coot who is my secret trader. OC's hostas were damaged by a freeze and Reldon graciously offered to send out hostas for OC so that he could still participate in the trade. Reldon, I think that was such a sweet thing for you to do. :D You did OC proud!



I received six hostas and all are new to me.

AUGUST MOON - That's right, I really didn't have one.

DIAMOND TIARA - I was admiring this one in the recent Tiara thread.

ELVIS LIVES - I love those ruffly ones. I'll be hearing Elvis singing in the garden now.

NIGHT BEFORE CHRISTMAS - I've had my eye on this one for quite a while. I went into labor on Christmas Eve 1990. DH and I had to get the presents under the tree and I had to eat Santa's cookies before we left for the hospital. :lol:

PERMANENT WAVE - I'm going to love all of these ruffles.

YELLOW SPLASH RIM - This one is a beauty too and it's going to look great in one of my hosta beds.

Reldon also included a nice letter complete with info on each hosta.

I love all of them! Thank you again John and Reldon for a fantastic secret trade. :cool:
Last edited by Patrushka on May 24, 2007 5:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by ademink »

Yaaaaaaaay!!!! I'm so glad you liked them! Insert happy dance here! :lol:

Just FYI, the only one that is a TC is the Clear Fork River Valley. The others are just small divisions b/c my plants aren't that big yet. :oops: :lol:

I'm so glad you like everything. High Kicker has been on my "want" list for about two years and I just got it last week. It is amazing when mature and you will flip out when you see the flowers - awesome! :bd:

My LOTV was planted by the original owners of the house back in 1904 so I will be interested in seeing what the difference is also! Mine is older than the hills! hehe

This was SO much fun! I'm glad you liked it all, Reldon! It was TOTALLY my pleasure! :D
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