This year's ugly hostas

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This year's ugly hostas

Post by largosmom »

C'mon, all of us have some that have not satisfied in one way or another this year. Let's share!

Here's one from me, my most critter eaten hosta this year...'Scooter'. Poor Scooter. I am not much one for poisoning the critters, except for the voles. I need to find some toads to adopt.


The cutworm almost created modern art on this leaf of Montana Aureomarginata. It's still pretty, and it bloomed anyway, :P .

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Post by baja220 »

Have I got UGLY for you! :eek: This has been my worst year ever for the hosta uglies. Even tops last year 2 golfball size hail storms and a microburst. In fact I took these pics a few days ago to post to see what happened to em and desided they were tooooooo ugly to post. These with the round spots, then they tuned brown and rotty. Gross. Here they are!!



More Gross Rotty Ugly

You can't tell in this Ugly pic but this is Fire and Ice w/ 2 sports in it.

And so not to have all ugly a couple that still look like spring. Robert Frost and Alex Summers
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Post by wishiwere »

:eek: Guess I could post the ones I have, although I've not pictures of them as yet! :( They were really ugly and some had those uglies removed already, but I'm sure they are a few I can still find with the leaves intact, but looking as ugly as you've posted! Question is, do I really want to show them off! :wink:

If it quits raining today, I'll try to get pics :(
Jane (from the middle of the Mitten state)
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Post by eastwood2007 »

I've never been a 'misery loves company' kind of person, but I must say I am glad to see your hostas looking like that, Debbie. :oops: Only reason I say that is cuz mine look just like that, too! Then you add the ones that got crown rot from the freeze, the few with nematodes, and the dozen or so the new kittens flattened while romping and....well, geeeeshhh! I think it just gives me re newed hope for next year!

But about lookin''s my Hanky Panky. I had such high hopes for it this year, but it got whacked hard by the freeze and the leaves have had this coloration all season. :bawl:
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Post by Kas »

That M. Aureomarginata looks to have a double border. White and then the normal one.

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Post by largosmom »

Kas, I named it from memory, so maybe I remembered the wrong thing. I'll have to check the plant tomorrow!

I've got more looking bad, I'll tell ya!
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Post by Ginger »

Baja, Mine look just like yours, but they have all put out a bunch of new leaves, so the new is overtaking the old and they look much better :lol: Even with the humidity from all the rain and the bit of heat we got which caused that darn fungus to grow, mine look a hundred times better this year than they usually do in September.

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Post by Carol W »

Ok I have one my Nothern Explosure I've had for about 10 years! Yet really maybe not the poor hosta fault because last year late May 2006 someone decided to help themselves to my hostas. What a mess they left, it's still trying to recover the abuse. But notice there is still hope!

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Post by thy »

Sorry Carol.. there is still hope :wink:

Nice in spring.. when I couldn't find it.. it was white centered and i looked for one with a misted center..
2 weeks it was lovely with the misted center.. then something went wrong and it more or less got spiderwebs instead of leafs.. still pushing up new leafs.. lasting only a few weeks..

Ghost Spirit it is.. is it tricky or is it just the one hosta who hate to get wet every day ?..... I will accept that excuse :wink:
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