How many do YOU have left to plant?

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How many do YOU have left to plant?

Post by caliloo »

UGH! I have been doing inside projects for the last month and it finally dawned on me that I still have 15 or so pots of hostas to put in the ground.

Then there are the crepe myrtle, brunnereas, native orchids (that the deer ate), and several other mizc plants that still need to go in the ground too.... all in all about 30 or so pots.

Anyone else procrastinating that bad?

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Post by eastwood2007 »

I don't like this question......... :evil: :roll: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Post by DBoweMD »

I think I have everything in the ground that will be in the ground.
However I have many that I am not even going to try, they will be under leaves, those being seedlings of which I have doubts about their worth...
Then there are those nematode plants that I treated with disyston alone, but which still have live ones in their leaves a month later... What to do? I will isolate them after removing and disposing of all their leaves, and put them somewhere away from the healthy ones, and bury those too. Then in the spring I guess I will keep the disease treated plants in pots for the summer on the deck or driveway.
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Post by eastwood2007 »

Dr. Dave, I still have live nematodes in plants I treated twice with Disyston this year... :roll: What now?

Not trying to hijack this thread, BTW, but I too am wondering what to do about the few I still have in pots that have nems...Oh, and those aren't the only things I don't have planted, either... :roll: :o :D I think I have found an isolated spot that I can just plunk pot and all in the ground. I think that would better facilitate heat treating them next year before they break dormancy....?
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Post by newtohosta-no more »

I have at least a dozen hostas and several other plants still in pots. I still have plans to plant the other perennials in , at least, a temporary spot for over the winter, but the hostas I will overwinter beside the deck and keep my fingers crossed for a better result than last year. :roll:
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Post by Wanda »

Amazingly, I have everything planted except for a variegated iris! I had no choice...winter comes earlier up here! We have had hard freezes off/on during the past few weeks, and tonight we are expecting temps in the teens. And next week they are calling for “sticking snow” (snow that stays on the ground for a while)!!#@#!! Usually the hosta all go down at about the same time, especially after we have been in the 20 degree range a couple times....but there are still quite a few that don’t look all that bad. Especially the last 45 I planted in the new long bed about a month ago...what great luck, more time for them to get well rooted-in!

Took 44 “extra” volunteer hollyhocks out of one garden and put them in the nursery garden (managed to give away 6) - otherwise we wouldn’t have been able to see the main show of bulbs next spring. Now I am reclaiming what was the second hosta garden (45’x55’), until the big white pines died and had to come out. What a mess - was going to work on it this spring, but with MIL here it just didn’t happen. Now that will be used as a perennial garden with a border of dwarf fruit trees along the drive - already have a golden delicious apple there. And my winter salad garden is growing great - they just reached eating size! Hope I can hold them under plastic all winter again - very cheering to go out and pick a safe fresh salad when the snow is flying and the newspapers are screaming “E. coli scare!”. I have three 8’ rows under the hoops & plastic I use to protect the hosta from frost in the spring. Spinach, Lollo Rosso leaf lettuce, romaine, endive and a mesclun mix...enough to supply the whole family.

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Post by Arlene »

I've got everything in but have about 6 bushes yet to move for the new owners. They plan to cement over the bed in front of the screened porch sometime in late winter or early spring, so I moved the hostas out of there a month or so ago to a holding area -- the veggie garden. I offered to move the 12 - 14 bushes there too, so they could reuse them if they want. I just hate the idea that they'd just be yanked out and tossed. In the process, I found two smallish hostas that I'd missed. In any case, the 6 remaining bushes will be moved on Saturday, and then I'll be done -- just hoping all the hostas live till they get dug up in the spring to move to Tennessee!
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Post by woodthrush »

I still have a few dozen hosta to go in the ground and tons of bulbs. Guess I'd better get REALLY busy now though, snow flurries are in the near future. And I just got hellebores from TerraNova
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Post by bengal »

I don't like the question either. :evil:

quite possibly that's a function of the fact that I have -- once again -- about 100 3- or 5-gallon pots of daylilies that ain't going in the ground this year. Too much digging and not enough time to do it. Not that I procrastinated or anything. :blush:
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Post by Patrushka »

If you don't count the two that have wintered in their pots for several years now, I have 10 hostas and 10 perennials in pots. There are also some daffodil bulbs that I dug up and left lying on the ground. Several of the daffs have formed little roots and are secured to the soil. I'm planning to get the hostas and perennials planted over the weekend. We'll see how I do. :wink:
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Post by SUEDIA »

I have all the hostas and prennials planted. I moved an old fern peony and sure hope it grows back. I still have tulip bulbs to plant in the new hosta bed. Hope next spring is nice to them then this last spring was. They didn't have much of a chance to bloom with the cold temps so late. Hope to plant the bulbs this weekend at the time changes and it is dark when I get home from work. Yuck :eek: Sure hate the dark nights.
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Post by LucyGoose »

eastwood2007 wrote:I don't like this question......... :evil: :roll: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Me Either!!!!! :evil:

:lol: .. :lol: .. :lol: .. :lol:
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Post by largosmom »

I have some that should be dug up and moved, but that will wait until spring. I have to move all my potted plants into a different spot, however, so that I can prep their future planting bed.

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Post by Linda P »

I have four pots of Potomac Pride that were nearly forgotten behind a fence at DD's house after our last-ever driveway sale last spring. Don't quite know where to put them, but they're going in the ground today.
Then I have one last shrub that jumped into my cart from a clearance rack (hydrangea can you pass it up for $1.80???) and the order of bulbs from Hallson's sale, and a bag of allium azureum. (Thanks Chris...they got here in 2 days!!!!!)
Then I'm done.
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Post by digs57 »

A bunch - some are 2nd year seedlings, a few are nursery newbies. But I think it's too late to disturb the roots, so I'll just bury the pots. I did that last year to four late season acquisitions and couldn't believe how they leapt this spring.

I also have some decorative grass, lavender, and three stargazer lilies.... I think I'll plant these normally.

BTW, although most of my hostas are melting by now, Love Pat here is still showing no sign of browning. What a great beautiful and very lovable plant.
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Post by party_music50 »

I "planted" the last 5 hostas yesterday -- I just removed them from the pot and plunged them into the now empty (except for parsley) veg garden. In spring I'll repot or relocate them.

I still have one hosta seedling, one nice heuchera seedling, and a few other odd starts that I need to face today. It's late for here, but our first frost wasn't until Oct 30 this year!
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Post by jobranch »

As of yesterday, I am done for the year. I moved four hostas from an area that gets too much sun. Now I am turning my attention to fixing up the house...
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Post by Patrushka »

I'm not finished but I think I did pretty well over the weekend. I now have three hostas, three perennials and my daffodil bulbs to plant. :D
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Post by baja220 »

I still have about 6 left to plant and I ordered a few plants from Chris the other day that may come in today. 3 Clematis to be potted up. All my house plants are still outside and we have a cold front coming in about 11:00 AM that'll put us down to about 30 Monday and Tues night. :evil: Guess I'd better take care of the house plants when I get home from work in the morning!!! :roll:
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Fall Planting

Post by Marlys »

Believe it or NOT :!: I got everything into the ground somewhere (maybe not my own garden) in October.

It did require adopting out a few plants, (I got visitation rights) :lol: and giving away a few more, :cry: and laying awake quite a few nights thinking :idea: about where in the heck I was going to plant everyone. :hmm:

I did have to put that 'Dart's Dash Rose' cutting that was in her pot all season, deep in the compost pile AND that little baby magnolia tree seedling that Jackie / Hostaaddict sent home with me from her back yard this summer, is also in its pot in the compost pile. BUT :!: That is in the ground - right :?:

Now, the snow can fall. :frosty:

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