Iron Phosphate Slug Baits

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Bill Meyer
Posts: 206
Joined: Feb 17, 2003 3:18 pm
Location: New Jersey

Iron Phosphate Slug Baits

Post by Bill Meyer »

Hi All,

Several people have recently mentioned seeing birds eating the pellets of the iron phosphate slug baits. Two in comments under the Jeff Gilman blog post said that the birds disappeared and stopped eating from the bird feeders. I'm wondering if others have seen this happening too. Has anyone using these products been finding dead birds that they don't know what happened to?

Also, for any who still think they are a harmless organic product, here is a letter from Beyond Pesticides asking the National Organic Standards Board to review their acceptance of them for organic farming. Beyond Pesticides can fairly be described as one of the most anti-pesticide organizations anywhere. They would love the product if it truly was organic and safe for pets and wildlife. ... .final.pdf
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