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Need info re: Snail Vine (Vigna caracola)

Posted: Jul 11, 2006 4:57 pm
by GrannyNanny
I have one of these (also called Corkscrew Vine), and it is producing lots of leaves and tendrils, but no flowers. Do any of you know if it needs lots of fertilizer to bloom, or if it is like Morning Glories, and doesn't bloom if the soil is too rich? Any help you can give me will be much appreciated. Phyllis

Posted: Jul 11, 2006 5:39 pm
by Chris_W
I've never heard of it before so looked it up in one reference and it said the bloom time was late summer and fall. So it is probably too early for blooms. It also said they like regular watering. Looks interesting!

Posted: Jul 14, 2006 9:46 pm
by GrannyNanny
Chris -- The history of this plant is long and tortuous. I bought it, AS a plant, last spring, because the source was out of the seeds. It didn't do much for me all summer -- I had it in a pot, outside in full sun -- so in the fall I took it inside and babied it all winter in a planter in my front, south-facing winter. WELL! It nearly took over the living room, sending tendrils everywhere! I didn't expect it to flower, of course, but I didn't expect it to go crazy with growth either. Along about mid-March I decided it needed a bigger pot, so I repotted it (it was enormous by this time), and within weeks the entire thing died except for one little shoot! From that shoot, I again have a full, healthy plant, and if the flowers don't come until late summer, I may just be in luck this year.
I also grew some from seed this past winter (got the seed right away when the source advertised them), but those plants are still very puny. I'm thinking that maybe this is one that takes two years to really grow large -- and of course, for those of us in the Frozen North, that means taking tit inside over the winter. If I get flowers on it, you can be sure I'll post pics. Thanks for the advice, Chris!

Posted: Jul 15, 2006 6:25 am
by viktoria
The Vigna caracalla seedling you sent me, Phyllis, is anything but puny. It is 8' tall and multi-branched; alas, no sign of buds or flowers yet.

Posted: Jul 15, 2006 10:21 am
by kHT
GrannyNanny, we currently have had these for four years now and Chris is right they usually bloom in the fall time but this year we are seeing our Mom plant already showing signs. You can take the cuttings are root them fairly easy, we do cut ours back in the fall before throwing in into the greenhouse. Last fall we tossed it in with the brugs and had to cut it off the plastic netting, it took over. We had no problems with new cuttings blooming the first year and have no experience with seeds so I can't help ya with that direction. I just toss some time release fertilizer in it the first of the season, nothing special. Be warned make sure if you have them in a pot to make sure water gets into the pot due to the heavy foliage. Our Mom plant is on the new arbor we posted in the garden bench under garden sales.

Posted: Aug 12, 2006 9:08 pm
by putnamgardens
No Info....just pictures. I bought this vine in seed form at $1.00 per seed x 5. I left them in a car and never got'm back. The smell is heavenly. I hope you get yours to bloom Phyllis. Knowing you, you'll harvest the seeds and make multiple vines. I'd like to try to start one from a cutting, if you're pruning it. Later, Love, Lisa
P.S. I bought the seeds in Decorah, IA at Seedsavers.

Posted: Aug 13, 2006 9:58 am
by kHT
GrannyNanny, How are you doing with yours?

Posted: Aug 18, 2006 9:20 pm
by GrannyNanny
Funny you should ask, Karma -- I am seeing little, tiny beginnings of flowers in many places on this vine, so I guess it's going to bloom after all.
Lisa -- you are welcome to cuttings -- the thing has nearly taken over the deck! Phyllis

Posted: Aug 19, 2006 7:55 am
by viktoria
Mine is trying to climb up over the roof and is loaded with buds, Phyllis. I had to weigh down the pot (too small) with rocks to keep it from falling over every time there was a puff of wind.

Posted: Aug 19, 2006 9:46 am
by kHT
I was out watering last night and low and behold I see buds too! It's climbing on everything! The baby ones are just now starting to take off, one has got to love this plant!

Posted: Sep 02, 2006 12:28 pm
by kHT
Here is what we found this am.

Posted: Sep 10, 2006 11:07 pm
by kHT
Update on the Snail vine.

Posted: Sep 17, 2006 12:06 am
by hostaaddict
I find this post so interesting! 2 years ago we were dining outside on a deck of a restaurant in AZ and the owner had snail plants growing clear to the tops of some tall palm trees. My DH reached over and got some seeds and brought them home, but I told him I was sure he would be wasting his time trying to grow them this far north. I assumed if they grew in AZ (Bullhead City to be exact) where it is one of the hottest places in the country, they surely wouldn't grow here in Iowa. Now...... if I could just find those seeds....LOL!....I would bet he still has them stashed somewhere around the house here...........Jackie

Posted: Sep 17, 2006 10:36 am
by kHT
Jackie, if you don't find them just let me know and I'll start one for you! For you DH to grab seeds, he must of loved what he saw? This has become my DH favorite now that it has bloomed!

Posted: Sep 17, 2006 1:31 pm
by petal*pusher
Such interesting flowers! The name fits it perfectly! Glad there are pictures posted looks larger (both leaves and blossoms) than I thought. Thanks all......p :wink:

Posted: Sep 18, 2006 11:11 pm
by hostaaddict
thanks Karma! I will hunt for the seeds and if I don't find them, will let you know. Where we are going to plant it is another question, as today I found 2 wisterias growing in a pot that he started from seeds. :lol: :lol: I wish I had more sunny spots to plant. I assume snail plants need lots of sun too? thanks again for your offer....Jackie

Posted: Apr 14, 2007 11:56 am
by kHT
We cut this back in the fall and stuck it in the back of the warmer greenhouse. When we went to pull the Brugs out of it a month ago, these two vines had taken over the back of the house. We have rooted several cuttings last fall and I'm currently trying to root more in my kitchen window, Jackie did you find seeds?

Posted: Apr 18, 2007 2:37 pm
by eastwood2007
Hi, y'all. Park Seeds carries both plants and seeds. I got a plant from them last year and it finally did bloom at the end of the season. It is in the greenhouse, and after reading this thread, I am a little afraid to look! :lol: Here's Park Seeds can also get on their mailing list for their printed catalog. They are very good about getting catalogs out to you...I have gotten 6 this year I think! Hope this helps....