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Posted: Aug 08, 2004 9:46 pm
by putnamgardens
The Cedar birdhouses were purchased yesterday @ an auction. The one that DOESN'T look like a log cabin is supose to be a blue bird house. The Pink basen was purchased today @ an art Fair. It has a pointed stake so It's off the ground 8 inches. You wouldn't know by looking at it but there is h20 in it. I should fill it with CLEAN water just in case the dog drinks the rain water. I think I can make these. Later, Love, Lisa

Posted: Aug 10, 2004 6:26 am
by ~dirtbug~

this cup has drainage

Posted: Aug 14, 2004 9:40 pm
by putnamgardens
This is supose to be a bird feeder. I just like the morning glory pattern. I just love garden art or maybe you haven't noticed. Later, Love, Lisa

Posted: Aug 23, 2004 7:50 am
by toomanyanimals
I picked these up at a Garage Sale a couple weeks ago.
My hubby hates the Budda and hides him if I leave him out in plain view. :) He has a chipped finger and they were throwing him away. Any suggestions what to put on top of him, he looks like he should be holding something. Please don't say a gazing ball (in fear for my life here, but I don't have a single one in my garden and don't plan on getting one.)
The weasel I'm having fun with. When my hubby first saw it on the deck, he thought it was an outside animal, mouse or something. Ahi cat loves to attack it. Every once in a while I move the weasel to a new spot and I have seen Ahi cat attack it again. :lol: The weasel is only about 5 inches long.
I love my new pot, but it is small and it doesn't have a drain hole. I'm trying to think of how to use it, but not as a pot.


Posted: Aug 23, 2004 7:54 am
by toomanyanimals
I picked these up at a Garage Sale a couple weeks ago.
My hubby hates the Budda and hides him if I leave him out in plain view. :) Budda has a chipped finger and the Garage sale people were throwing him away. Any suggestions what to put on top of him, he looks like he should be holding something. Please don't say a gazing ball (in fear for my life here, but I don't have a single one in my garden and don't plan on getting one.)
The weasel I'm having fun with. When my hubby first saw it on the deck, he thought it was an outside animal, mouse or something. Ahi cat loves to attack it. Every once in a while I move the weasel to a new spot and I have seen Ahi cat attack it again. :lol: The weasel is only about 5 inches long.
I love my new pot, but it is small and it doesn't have a drain hole. I'm trying to think of how to use it, but not as a pot, I would love some suggestions for next summer.


Posted: Aug 23, 2004 8:16 am
by wild4flowers
You could glue a saucer to his hands, and place a tea cup on top for seed or a mini hosta or a mini something, and put mardi gras beads around his neck. Make him funnier so hubby doesn't dislike it so much. CHAR

Posted: Aug 23, 2004 11:08 am
by ShadyIndyLady
With that belly, I think it would be a hoot to put a tray
on his hands and find some fake deserts and glue them
to the tray......and keep him on the patio for when you
dine outside!!! :lol:

The pot is gorgeous. Can't you pound a little drainage
hole in the bottom with a nail? If not, why not just
place another pot inside it and pot it up with a gorgeous
fern. Love the critter did good! :D

Found objects turned into garden art

Posted: Aug 23, 2004 11:34 am
by Zinnia
An old wooden window makes a good frame for a garden mirror, doubles the windowbox flowers too.
I was very happy when my hubby's wheelbarrow rusted out so I could recycle it into an impatiens planter.
Found a doll bed at a flea market, makes a good "flowerbed".

Posted: Aug 23, 2004 6:34 pm
by viktoria
My latest creation (got three truckloads of river bottom gravel for the base of the potting shed that is coming in the fasll):

Posted: Aug 23, 2004 7:18 pm
by putnamgardens
Viktoria...I love it. It kinda reminds me of a "natural" gazing ball. Later, Love, Lisa
P.S. Now purple is where it's @ for me.

Posted: Aug 24, 2004 7:36 am
by toomanyanimals
Lisa, love that purple poppy!

Zinnia, I really like the doll bed. So small and cute!

Viktoria, your latest creation is great! Reminds me of Napoleon. Short with a big hat. :D

Thanks Char and Shady for your ideas! I got a chuckle from some of them, and others I think I will actually try.


Posted: Aug 28, 2004 9:55 pm
by putnamgardens
This post has had 2,500 views. That's serious logging on. I just bought this today. For 4 dollars I should go back and buy some more. This one's the dragon fly. They have butterfly's and other bugs on a stick. Much to my surprise, the pole was a shiny solar beacon. I should line my drive way with'm. Later, Love, Lisa
P.S. That hosta to the left is Kim's introduction, Fire Opal.

wind sock is up

Posted: Sep 03, 2004 9:56 pm
by putnamgardens
I bought this on my trip to Willmar MN. Andy got in ready @ dusk. NOW I wanna see the wind. Later, Love, Lisa

from the MN state fair

Posted: Sep 12, 2004 9:54 am
by putnamgardens
The MN state fair had a bunch of pots with floating gazing balls that moved in the water. I gotta get some of those. A local garden outfit is featuring them. I hope I can get a different color than yellow. They are much funner when moving. Later, Love, Lisa


Posted: Sep 27, 2004 11:43 am
by oldcoot
O.C. couldn't resist updating his "Froggy" Pictures. He felt ONE was so lonly by hiself, he got him another one. Moved the base for a Gazing ball from a front bed to the new hosta bed, where the "FROGGIES" keep watch. Why no Gazing ball ? The Original one was a mirrow image Ball and Mr. Squirrel took it head on, thinking it was another Squirrel. The next time O.C. goes to "Wally-World" he is going to get his dear, sweet, loving wife a NEW one.

O.C> sharing views of his garfden "ART"

Posted: Sep 27, 2004 4:07 pm
by wild4flowers
In laws gave me the face. It matches pretty well with the tree. And it is facing in toward the house and not toward the street. It is only for my enjoyment.

And the pot person is decked out for autumn with his leafy helmut.


O.C. saya COOL -

Posted: Sep 27, 2004 4:51 pm
by oldcoot
O.C. Loves that container head !!!!

That Funny & Friendly Old Coot saying "Keep Posting Those Pictures"

Posted: Sep 27, 2004 9:37 pm
by wishiwere
Too Cute! Love that fall get up! And OED, yes, you need to get your dw a new gazing ball!

Posted: Oct 16, 2004 4:30 pm
by Judy
I like seeing how everyone uses different things in the garden. I especially like the leaf bird bath. I have been checking out the tree faces and I have a tree picked out for one of those, they are very cool. I also like old rustic things, like this mule drawn cultivater. I am new here, hope it is o.k. to just jump in...Image

Posted: Oct 16, 2004 4:51 pm
by Judy
ooops. should I post my image as an attachment, so it will be smaller? does it take less space that way?