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Need ideas please

Posted: May 20, 2007 9:51 am
by Annie
I put my deck up last year. For some reason I left about a foot of space between the deck and the fence. Well the reason being "Travis" LOL. So I keep having to go in there and weed whip it. What would you suggest I plant there?

The only thing growing there is good ole dependable creeping charlie :roll:
That stuff get tall now :o

It is on the west side of my house. Gets sun from about noon on. I do have a Sweet autumn clematis vine growing on the chainlink fence. But I need a ground cover or something on the ground. Maybe small shrubs?
Something that gets about 2' or 3' tall.
I was thinking of laying some plastic down and covering it with rocks, but then it would just be a rock spot LOL.

Posted: May 20, 2007 4:18 pm
by JaneG
If it were me and I had a spot like that I'd either put in something that is thick and would kill out everything else, or I would use round-up to clear it out then put some rock down.

I used ditch lilies to fill a trouble spot like that. They come up no matter what and nothing else can get in there if you pack 'em in thick. They fill in quickly and mine even grow UNDER the deck, their thin leaves come up between the deck boards trying to find the sun!

If you don't like the idea of just a rock spot, you could put some garden ornaments on posts in there with the rock. Or stick some shepard's hooks in there to hang some baskets, decorative birdhouses, lanterns, etc.

Others probably have better ideas than me!