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Re: Perennial Hibiscus

Posted: Aug 02, 2009 10:15 am
by kHT
We had three open yesterday morning but by noon they were totally fried with the 90+ degrees we are having.

Re: Perennial Hibiscus

Posted: Aug 03, 2009 10:30 pm
by kHT
Today the pretty pink one decided to bloom.

Re: Perennial Hibiscus

Posted: Aug 06, 2009 3:37 pm
by Ginger
I love love love hibiscus :lol: :lol: :lol: Here in Oklahoma they just keep on blooming and will stay green until the first frost. The week of more of 100+ days did cause my Pink Swirl to start going to seed, but it is still putting out blooms, just have to keep the water going, they do like water :D



Re: Perennial Hibiscus

Posted: Aug 07, 2009 8:21 am
by otnorot
Those are beauties,love the flowers.

Re: Perennial Hibiscus

Posted: Aug 07, 2009 9:57 am
by kHT
I'm really tempted to moving these to the curb next spring and moving the roses to the memorial bed!

Re: Perennial Hibiscus

Posted: Aug 07, 2009 10:17 am
by Ginger
They would really pop some color at your curbside :D Be sure to give them something to lean on.


Re: Perennial Hibiscus

Posted: Aug 16, 2009 10:32 am
by kHT
Ginger, what do you mean something to lean on? Our this year are reaching the 5 footer level and taking way to much room on the Memorial bed.
We tie them up with shoe strings as they head upwards. Only the 'Plum Crazy' one we have to add a stake as it really shot upward this year. Even
DH is shocked at the size!

Re: Perennial Hibiscus

Posted: Aug 16, 2009 3:47 pm
by Ginger
Hey Karma, because the stalks get so thick and tall they will lean over if they don't have something to help them stay upright. Mine are not as tall as yours but I help them stay upright by using low landscape fence which also helps keep DH from whacking them down with the mower and weedeater. The fence is metal and comes in 2 foot long pieces that are about 1 1/2 foot tall and it works well. I am sure you know what I am talking about. The plants are so bushy it is hidden in the summer. Tying them works too though! Send pics if you move them!


Re: Perennial Hibiscus

Posted: Aug 16, 2009 8:43 pm
by kHT
Thanks for the information and I was thinking of getting a couple of those huge tomatoe cages to put over them, we found that
this works well with the peonies in holding them upward. Don't ya just love DH with weedwackers?? Thank goodness these are forbidden
here!! Another option is if he weed wacks a plant then he needs to replace it. We do that here and it's funny how fast they learn!!

I sure will share a photo if I can get them moved. I have these in pots in the ground but it's the roses that have been in place some 20 years!!

Chris, this is in two spots?? Some folks call them tropicals and not perennials. One spot please, I get confused. :lol:

Re: Perennial Hibiscus

Posted: Aug 17, 2009 10:45 am
by Ginger
There is a difference between the tropical hibiscus and the perennial. The tropical will not die off and then come back each year. It will just die :lol: :lol: I suspect you could keep one going in a pot in a greenhouse during the winter, but I like the perennials best, they are easy to take care of and the flowers are always huge :lol: I am going to have tons of seeds from H.Pink Swirl. I don't know if they will be viable or not, but if you want some let me know and I will send them your way. We can see what happens :D


Re: Perennial Hibiscus

Posted: Aug 17, 2009 2:47 pm
by kHT
Thanks Ginger, as we have a few of the tropical ones here but when you talk about hibiscus to folks they think they are all tropicals.
Some folks that have visited us here can't believe ours return then there is the whole conversation on the differences. We have several
seedlings from our seeds and our first one is now blooming, she is at the curb already!

Re: Perennial Hibiscus

Posted: Aug 18, 2009 11:18 am
by Ginger
Ooh, nice! I like them. Have fun :D
