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HELP. Munstead Dark Red Stonecrop Sedum

Posted: Sep 13, 2011 11:29 am
by brianmcmillen
Planted this three springs ago and it has come back each year, however as it starts to flower the stems begin to lay down in a circular pattern. It has done this the past three years, of course as the plant gets bigger it is getting more unsightly. What have I done wrong?

Re: HELP. Munstead Dark Red Stonecrop Sedum

Posted: Sep 13, 2011 12:57 pm
by Chris_W
Hi, and welcome to the forums.

Most sedum can do this for a number of reasons: 1) Not enough sunlight, 2) Too much moisture, 3) Soil that is too fertile, 4) Too much fertilizer, 5) Soil that doesn't drain well.

I suspect that this spot gets shade at some times of the day and being next to the hose I have to wonder if it is getting too much water. Sedum doesn't ever need supplemental water, doesn't ever need fertilizing, grows best in lean, sandy soil, and will stand up better if it is always dry. You might just need to find a new spot for this one.

Good luck!


Re: HELP. Munstead Dark Red Stonecrop Sedum

Posted: Sep 14, 2011 10:27 am
by kHT
brianmcmillen, we have our sedum in a high dry spot and we see this happen when it starts to bud. It's like it's to top heavy and we have to put a soft shoe string around it to keep them upward! We have them in clay and they just won't stand up too. We don't do anything special and haven't divided these either in the 20+ years we have lived here. Ours is the plain one but last year we picked up the variegated one, it too wants to lay flat.

Re: HELP. Munstead Dark Red Stonecrop Sedum

Posted: May 26, 2012 2:15 pm
by morgansrgr8
I had to put mine in a sunnier location. They never bloomed until I did. That or they didnt like the lilac bush they were beside. Now they are in a very dry spot with morning and noon sun. Doing alot better. Now I have blooms. They were here when I moved in and never saw them bloom for 2 years. Now I know what they are suppost to look like 8-)