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Red-shouldered Hawk -(new pics)

Posted: Dec 16, 2007 7:03 pm
by nanny_56
This guy(gal?)was hanging around our back yard all day today looking for an easy meal. He never did get anything. Not here any way!

We have lots of them but have never seen them in my yard before. But this is our first full winter here, and in winter they will eat small birds at feeders.

I have lost the pic LG is referring too below!!! :o

Posted: Dec 16, 2007 8:44 pm
by LucyGoose
Wow, you got some good pictures.......I love that second one with the ice on the branches.... :P

Thanks for sharing!! :snow:

Posted: Dec 17, 2007 12:20 am
by eastwood2007
Hey, Claudia -

Maybe if you threw some chipmunk food out in the open area of the yard, both you and the hawks may win... :roll: :roll: 8-) :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Posted: Dec 17, 2007 10:01 am
by wishiwere
:o Small birds for lunch? Try anything that moves in this weather! We lost a few mourning doves to one last winter. I kept telling him I didn't mind (he has to eat too), but PLEASE? DO not do this in line of my bedroom window!

Not a great way to start any day seeing feathers fly! Never went back to a friends as a child after seeing chickens beheaded and plucked! :eek: Nosireee!

great pics BTW! :D

Posted: Dec 17, 2007 11:22 am
by nanny_56
:lol: Unfortunatelly Charla the dang chipmunks :evil: are holed up now!! I told him he could have a nice plump squirrel though!! :lol:

I understand what your saying Jane. I hate to say it, but we have seen the Sharpie get a meal a couple of time and we were in awe.

Posted: Dec 17, 2007 2:24 pm
by wishiwere
It' awesome and disheartening all in the same breathe. Disheartening, only be/c I always feel guilty that I've fattened those guys up for his lunch! While he/she just sits in the trees, waiting for one to finished their lunch, or get a bath and then then while they are too full to get away fast, he/she dives in for the ................. :evil: :roll: Just sad. Then I think about how beautiful they are and how very agile they are through the brush, and danged, if I don't admire them!

Posted: Dec 18, 2007 8:32 am
by viktoria
A sharp-shinned hawk has been hanging around our bird feeders but we have not yet seen him catch anything. Haven't been able to get a picture.

Posted: Dec 18, 2007 7:34 pm
by nanny_56
He'll be back then! Hope you get a photo! I am tryng to get one of the Red-tailed that is up the road...and the Barred Owl....and the Bald Eagle at the lake.....and... :lol:

Posted: Dec 25, 2007 9:49 am
by nanny_56
Wow! My big guy was back yesterday. He was on the wire across the road....was out in my jammies taking pics :lol: ...and yes a 2 or 3 cars went by while I was out there!

Posted: Dec 25, 2007 10:40 am
by Spider
What great photos! Nice they perch low so you can get a good look at them. Keep your small pets indoors though, they may go missing. I'm thinking one got 2 barn cats from a farm I worked at. (that's only speculation, the cats dissapeared without a trace and they weren't prone to wander)

Posted: Dec 28, 2007 12:08 am
by nanny_56
I am becoming so fascinated with the big guy's.

Posted: Jan 06, 2008 12:00 pm
by fullofit
Even though I live in the country, and take a lot of nature pics, my neighbors put up a fuss if they see me with my camera. They say I am spying on them and taking their pictures. Go figure. Makes me wonder what they have to hide.
However, it doesn't stop me from my nature photography.
I do have only one pic of a hawk with prey. And I will not post it, since he is eatting his lunch. And yes, it happened right outside my picture window. He didn't care that he was being watched.

Posted: Jan 06, 2008 12:35 pm
by nanny_56
Well, that would make one suspicious now wouldn't it??? We have a house and if they have the blind open if you walk by they will shut them right away....but you never see them do it!

Posted: Jan 06, 2008 5:19 pm
by Spider
They must be very important people to think you can't live without their photos. :lol:

Posted: Jan 06, 2008 5:34 pm
by fullofit
"They" tried to tell me it was against the law to take their pictures without their permission. I am on the board of directors for our lake association and that is how I became involved. I researched it and found that only if pictures are illegal or immoral can they be not legal.
Then much later, and here's where it becomes personal, I used some pictures to document a case of child endangerment and turned them into the local authorities. (oh, my gosh, did the world ever explode then). So my advise is..'stand your ground for what you believe in'. And I'll continue to take pictures for myself just like I did before.

Posted: Jan 10, 2008 10:56 am
by nanny_56
It rained...and I mean RAINED ALL DAY tuesday. I finally ventured out to the mailbox and this one was sittin in a tree right across from my mailbox.

He was nice enough to wait while I got the camera and he let me get about 6-8 feet from the tree he was in. He wasn't but maybe 8-10 feet up in the tree. I wish I would have remembered to bring in my zoom a little. I could have cropped them better.

Posted: Jan 11, 2008 8:17 pm
by nanny_56
I think I found the missing pic...