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Choosing and growing garlic

Posted: Sep 13, 2011 11:49 am
by ViolaAnn
Hi folks,

I've never grown my own garlic but I'm getting really tired of seeing nothing but garlic from China in the grocery stores and have decided the time has come.

I know next to nothing about growing garlic and was stunned by the number of varieties when I went shopping and virtually no instructions on the packages either.

Therefore I'm open to all types of advice about the different types of garlic and how to go about growing it in an Ottawa garden.


Re: Choosing and growing garlic

Posted: Sep 14, 2011 10:50 am
by kHT
Ann, I hear ya on things coming in from other places. We grow garlic for the moles and other under ground critters to keep them out of the yard. We don't eat them just grow them.

Re: Choosing and growing garlic

Posted: Apr 23, 2012 7:48 pm
by thy
You can just put some of the sprouted pieces an inch .. oh 2 centimeters into the ground.. they will grow

Re: Choosing and growing garlic

Posted: Jun 05, 2012 4:19 pm
by boops
I tried it once-the scapes grew but the garlic was soo small and useless. Don't think it got enough sun. but it comes back year after year because I never dug up all the heads. So this year I dug them up and planted them in the far rear of my yard where my nightshade veggies are to keep out the voles, rabbits and insane squirrels. So far so good.