First Annual Pet Memorial Day at Hallson's

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First Annual Pet Memorial Day at Hallson's

Post by jmboyer »

Dear Friends,

The second Sunday of September--falling this year on the eleventh--is National Pet Memorial Day. Thanks to a thoughtful suggestion from Janet, we on this forum will be observing this same date each year to remember our own lost animal companions. On this, the First Annual Pet Memorial Day at Hallson's, I encourage anyone who may have lost a beloved pet to post on this memorial thread and to share with all of us whatever photos and remembrances of your lost animal companion(s) that you may wish to post.
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Post by jmboyer »

In Memory of my beloved cat, Kibbie, who was released from his pain on May 2, 2005, after accidentally ingesting antifreeze.

"Kibbie, my sweet boy, Mommy will love you always and cherishes the time we had together."
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Post by newtohosta-no more »

I seemed to have lost so many last summer...all outdoor cats that I fed and cared for....but precious to me nonetheless. :(
Here is a pic of Mittens and her litter of kittens that we lost. I don't seem to have a pic of Gilligan. He was Mittens brother. Another one that shied away from us until he got so sick and it was too late to help him.

I don't seem to be able to post the pic of our dog, Trooper. He is a shepherd mix that showed up one day and took up with my son. When he started sleeping on the front porch I knew he was ours for good, so we officially adopted him. He was a big, gentle boy who thought he was a lap dog. We miss him and so did Crystal when he first left us. She and Trooper had become best buds.
What a bundle of joy these little ones were.  So adorable and so entertaining. Very friendly too.  A raccoon got the whole litter one night. I was devastated and cried for days!!
What a bundle of joy these little ones were. So adorable and so entertaining. Very friendly too. A raccoon got the whole litter one night. I was devastated and cried for days!!
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This is Mittens, who is the sister of the three boys I adopted.  I orginally wanted to adopt her, but she wouldn't have anything to do with us, until she was in need and became ill.  It was very hard losing her after she lost her litter of kittens. :(
This is Mittens, who is the sister of the three boys I adopted. I orginally wanted to adopt her, but she wouldn't have anything to do with us, until she was in need and became ill. It was very hard losing her after she lost her litter of kittens. :(
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Post by LucyGoose »

We lost our Kibbie to cancer last May.....She was 13 years old.....She was a stray that found DH and I when we lived in an appartment complex....A little bitty thing at 6 pounds all her life....She was very vocal, and whined a lot...but love DH the most, I think. Would greet him everyday after work, like clock work, and paw at him. She was the boss around here with all the pets....

Then there is Stanley.....He was a stray that found his way here after someone dumped him at 1 pound 4 ounces....Well that boy grew to weigh, gosh I forget something like15-18 pounds,......and that is Iams Light.....:lol:.....This was another cat that liked DH the best. He didn't like me, cause I did all the brushing, vet visits.....He was a wild boy........Anyway, he was a problem boy with peeing, and we did everything, and well, it is hard to say but......after many years of living in the living room closed up we made the hardest decision in our lives to have him put down in April 04.....Makes me cry to think of it....:bawl: My vet assures me we did the right thing.....He was 8 years old.
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Post by PeggyC »

In memory of our precious foal that we lost in June.
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Post by Annie »

This is in memory of my little black kitty, Pookie. She was VERY special.
She had chronic kidney failure at age 22.
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Post by wild4flowers »

I, too, have lost a few, but I get soooooo emotional just reading about others, that I can't bear to write about mine. I know exactly how you all feel about your loved ones. As do I. CHAR
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Post by Lionitus »

I am so touched by all the tributes here. I'm going to keep coming back to read each and every one. God Bless you all for your compassion, dedication and love to animals.

Now don't you know, I went and got too involved in other things and forgot to compile my pictures for this day. Nonetheless, I want to pay tribute to our Emmy, Really and Puppy the Cat, all who we lost this year.

Emmy was terribly mistreated and neglected and nearly starved. We had him one year and gave him all the love and best of care we could, sadly to no avail. He never regained his health, although I am absolutely certain he regained his spirit because we heaped on the love and kisses and he purred all the time he was with us despite being so chronically ill.

Really was just plain old at 18 years and her little body gave out on her. She was a whip of a kitty, full of herself and VERY cantankerous. She had personality oozing out of every pore on her body. We dearly loved her.

Puppy the Cat was the sweetest, most laid-back, most loving cat I've ever had. He had the cutest little whistle in his purr that I found so comforting. He loved to be held and cuddled. I knew no matter how bad a day I had I could always look forward to coming home to Puppy and curling up with him. He would press into me and nuzzle my ear and purr that whistley purr and all was well. He gave so much more than he took in his life. But after 16 long years of a very good, happy life, our beloved Puppy passed away from kidney failure.

I've loved them all so very much and miss them still.

Now I am sobbing and so I will return to my garden work to help soothe the hurt.

Thank you for this Janet and Hallson's. It means so much to those of us who have lost our loved ones to remember them.

God Bless,
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Post by Snow »

Since I've been a member of Hallson's, I have lost two dear little girls - within a year of each other. Both were incredibly loving and cuddly. Rascal passed away in the summer of 2003, from a diabetic episode. The vet felt that she most likely had pancreatic cancer, which caused her once controlled diabetes to suddenly become unmanageable. She was nearly 13. Less than a year later, my constant companion and cuddlebug, Mariah, was diagnosed with cancer in the mouth. We had no idea. Surgery proved to create more problems than it solved, and she was unable to eat on her own. The cancer was 99 percent certain to return within weeks, so our decision was not a difficult one, but a very traumatic one. Mariah was 11. Mariah and Rascal Ann - we still miss you beautiful little ladies.
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Post by patsue53 »

:( I'll post in memory of my Sweet kitties, Taffy, Sylvie, and BooBoo.....and my Scottish Terrier Angus whom I still talk to whenever I'm in the backyard where I've placed a little concrete Scottie near his gravesite.
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Post by janet »

I lost two special friends this past year. I will do a separate post for each of them and I am likely to go on more than others have done so far. The reason is simply because I have not been able to speak of my losses before this. I thank Chris and Janet so very much for making this idea a reality, and I thank you all for putting up with my rambling, :oops:

Agatha (Aggie) April 15, 1992 – July 25, 2005

Aggie was born in Allegan, Michigan. At an early age she was left with the kind old lady who ran Adopt-a-Pet. There she became a favorite of the handyman, riding around on his shoulder as her took care of all the cats. She had great freedom, outdoor exercise time and the company of many other cats and several dogs. It was quite a unique shelter, operating solely on donations. Folks in town called the owner a kook, I think she was an angel.

When I got divorced and moved into my own house, I immediately went looking for a cat to keep me company. I had been without a cat for six years at the insistence of my ex and I wasn’t going to wait another second! I made the rounds of the ‘regular’ shelters, but they all wanted me to sign papers saying I would never let the cat outside. I could neither promise to do that, nor lie about it. Even my houseplants get to go outside! And then I found Adopt-a-Pet.

When I met Aggie, she was five months old and we hit it off immediately. She jumped up on my shoulder, curled herself around my neck and licked my ear. Who could resist? She would answer when asked a question, was a great listener, and never criticized. She learned to fetch ping-pong balls and to come when called…even when she was out in the woods. She would sit when asked (one never commands a cat), kept the house mouse-free, hunted snakes, and once I caught her stalking a full grown deer. The only time I saw her afraid of another animal was when there was a huge flock of buzzards in the trees of the fence line. She was in the house, glued to the window, ears flat so they couldn’t see her. Turned out there was a dead deer in the next field. And she loved dogs, well herding dogs anyway.

When we moved to New Hampshire, she became an indoor cat. The woods here are just too dangerous for cats. She didn’t seem to mind and enjoyed watching the turkeys and the deer from her spot in a sunny bay window. The chipmunks, however, would tease her relentlessly.

Every morning, right to the very end, she would get up on the counter next to the bathroom sink and wash herself head to toe while I showered. When she was done, she would brush her face on my hairbrush. She was then ready for anything. It was our special time together and we did lots of planning during those early morning hours. I think that’s when I miss her the most.

Aggie was my friend. I did not own her. She was my housemate, my confidante, my ally, my co-conspirator, and my friend. I am so very lucky to have known her.
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Post by janet »

Windwood’s Summer Nutmeg (Meg) June 6, 1993 – October 12, 2004

Meg was born in Roscommon, Michigan. She was a tri-factored Shetland Sheepdog from my sister-in-law’s kennel. I had been considering a dog for quite some time, when my SIL offered to co-own this five-month-old pup with me. She was my first Sheltie, but I fell for the breed quickly and easily. I had previously had Irish Setters and the difference was like night and day. Well, more like Lou Costello and Albert Einstein.

Meg and I went to lots of obedience classes with the goal of competing. She was an eager learner and did wonderfully in class and at home. She did not, however, have the temperament to compete. She couldn’t deal with the stress and, short of having the AKC hold trials in my backyard, we decided to find other things to do.

She loved agility training at my SIL’s, had a passion for Frisbee, and adored going for rides in the truck. She was happiest in the snow, climbing our six-foot high plow mounds in a flash. She learned not to set foot in the garden, even to get a Frisbee, and had the Sheltie sense of property bounds. I could call her back out of a dead run toward a jogger on the road and she would come gladly. I had runners stop and tell her she was a good dog. I once put her in a down-stay and got involved in something in the garden. When I came back around and saw her still lying there, a half hour had passed. That one earned her a scoop of ice cream along with my apologies!

She adored Aggie, and it was mutual. Each morning, they would share Meg’s food for a few minutes before the cat would go off and eat her own. Good thing Meg had a pointy nose to get in the dish while Aggie ate! She used to do that dog thing of taking a mouthful of kibble, putting it on the floor, and then eating it off the floor.

Aggie would catch mice that came in around the wood stove in the basement and bring them upstairs to play with them where she could see them better. When we got Meg, she wanted to play too. Aggie didn’t want to share at first, but she soon realized that all Meg was doing was herding the mouse back to her. Meg kept the mice from getting behind the couch and all those places the cat couldn’t get to. They were quite a team. All this usually took place between two and four in the morning, however, and since neither of them ever killed the damn mouse (that would end the game) I was always the one to get up and throw the little rodent out the door. They caught four one fall night!

Meg was the sweetest, most empathetic dog I have ever known. She had more grace than most people, she followed the rules without question, and she was the kindest, gentlest of creatures. She helped me out of some sticky medical situations on more than one occasion and I felt truly safe having her around, even out here alone in the woods. Part of me truly died with her and I will miss her forever.
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Post by mooie »

i would so surely love to reply to this with my own story about Biff....but I can't. It's been over two years and it still hurts. Gosh we love our furkids dont we??

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Post by Old earth dog »

I've been fortunate in that I haven't lost a furkid in a couple of years. I haven't had less than 3-4 dogs at a time in the last 38yrs since I've been married, so I've got lots of fond memories to think about on this day.
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Post by newtohosta-no more »

Even though it is hard to sometimes talk about our beloved furkids and hard to read what others have written, I also find it comforting. And it makes me smile to hear about all of your wonderful pets. Janet...I enjoyed so much your posts about Aggie and Meg. I think you really gave us a sense of their unique personalities and the bond that you shared with them.
And for those of you who can't share at this time....that's okay and very understandable. We all deal with our grief in different ways. I am comforted to know that in my heart I believe God has a special place for our furkids.
Bless all of you for being able to love and care for God's creatures. We care for them and they give us so much more in return.
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Post by Garden_of_Mu »

In memory of Chuck -

Chuck was our family's longest lived cat. Growing up on a farm we were used to animals not being around for long, as farms are dangerous places for small animals that like warm spots, but Chuck managed to make it to town with us and lived to be an elderly 18. He was a good cat but always resented that he had to become a house cat when we moved to city in his mid-life. He lived with my mom after I moved to the west coast, as traveling terrified him, even to go across town to the vet. It was hard to leave him behind, but I couldn't put him thru the trauma of a cross country move. At mom's he kept the dogs in line and enjoyed a warm lap in the evenings.

One day mom came home for lunch and Chuck asked to go out as he often did. He was so slow at this point she decided to let him, as she knew he would not go far. After poking around in the backyard for awhile he came in and curled up on his heating pad/blanket/bed and went to sleep. Mom found him there passed on in his sleep when she came home that afternoon. I was comforted to know he had gotten to go out again before he passed away, as I know it was his hearts desire. He lived a long life and brought us much love and joy.
My friend Wylee did this painting of Chuck for me.
My friend Wylee did this painting of Chuck for me.
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Post by Chris_W »

It has taken me a long time to get the effort to talk about this, but I really miss my cat Blake. He was with us for 8 years.

When I found him he was not quite a year old. Someone had dumped him in the woods near us, and he would sneak up to the house to eat our other cat's food. He was scared to death of me at first, so I took a plate of food out so to the edge of the property while he watched from the woods. Then I retreated and watched him sneak over. The next day I repeated this so he could see that I was going to feed him. The following morning he was meowing outside and would not shut up! Wow, was he vocal! He ate 3 more plates of food and was the happiest cat around, and became the best cat I had ever had.

We moved last year, and Blake was not happy. It took him a month to come in the new house and was very upset. But he was making progress, and was very happy with his new territory. We caught him stalking deer and pheasants, and he took long walks around the paths here.

The day before he disappeared we took a walk and climbed up a 20 foot hunting stand in a tree. He climbed to the top and loved it! He layed at my feet and purred and purred. That was a great day with him. That night he actually spent the entire night inside, sleeping at the foot of the bed with Cimi and Cleo. I really thought that he was going to be happy here.

The next day he went out for his regular walk about 3:00pm and never returned. My neighbor had seen him almost 1/2 mile to the north but we never found him. I hope that someone took him in and gave him all the love he had gotten from us.
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Post by mommatina »

In memory of our wonderful Bueford and Pepper.

Bueford was a big beautiful mixed breed dog we got when he was only 4 weeks old.. My middle son came home from school one afternoon begging for him.. he told me the big red dog was half bird dog and half bitch.. we laughed so hard.. and after we saw the little thing we just couldn't say no.. he was with us for 15 son was 10 at the time.. the kids taught him to climb the ladder and come back down by himself...he was a wonderful friend and a great baby sitter for the boys as they grew up.. and the tragedy is he was ran over by the one that first brought him home.. Beuford was blind and deaf so we keep a very close eye on him.. but one afternoon my son was moving the dump truck and did not know that Beuford was underneath .. needless to say that was one sad day for him.. to see a grown man cry... Beuford you are still missed by us all..

And Pepper was a fiest.. that was given to me by my DIL.. she was so smart and loved to sleep with me.. but she would not let my DH near the bed.. I would have to hold her so he could come to bed.. and she would not let anyone spank a child when she was near.. she would go nuts barking almost to the point of biting someone if they did touch they child.. but she loved to chase rabbits and was caught in a neighbors trap he had set for the coyots in the area.. loved and missed still
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Post by scootersbear »

I can't tell you how hard it is to write this when you are crying. I lost my best friend other than my wife this morning at 2:48. I laid next to him on the floor watching this majestic dog die in my arms praying for his pain to stop. Petting his ears like he liked it so. Only a few wimpers then a few gasps for air and it was over. He was beat by cancer, he would have been 9 in Feb. I'd like to tell you more about this Doberman who gave me more than I gave him but it will have to wait. These pics were taken a few hours before he died.

I wrote this back on Nov. 16th last year. I could still cry..but since then I met a new friend...we got him out of the pound..he is so he got to the pound I just can't imagion...he was up to be put down the day we adopted him..some day he might actually let me get a good pic of him...
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Post by newtohosta-no more »

I remember that post!!! We all thought it was so wonderful of you to rescue him and give him a loving home. How sad it is to learn that you have just lost him. :cry: My prayers go out to you. We all know how much you loved him and know the grief that you are now experiencing. He is at peace now and painfree, and I know one day you will be re-united with him. Thank you and Bless you for the loving care you gave to him. :(
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