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Need advice please

Post by madmama »

Boy have we got a problem. My second oldest DD is married to an Air Force man. Right now they are living in Idaho. They have been there for less then a year. When they moved out there they were told that they would be out there for at least two years. Well without telling DD, my SIL put in for a overseas move. Well he got it, and it looks like they will be moving to England for 3 years. Needless to say DD is not happy with her hubby. And to make things worse they found out that they can’t take their dog. They have 2 cats and the dog. They are allowed to take 2 pets and the airlines won’t take a dog as large as Arty (160 pounds) so he will be staying state side. They want us to take him but we have a German Shepherd (100 pounds) and I’m not sure if these two would get along. They had Arty here at Christmas and we played musical dogs the 2 weeks they were home. When one was out the other was in. Made for an interesting time. We are really the only ones in the family that have a good place for him. I am home all the time and we have a fenced in yard. None of SIL’s family like the dog. I’m afraid if they have to give him to a stranger it will be more then my DD can take. This dog is like her child. He is her company and protector when SIL is gone on remotes and stuff. Even the thought of leaving him with us is really upsetting her. I just am afraid to take him and then find myself with two very large dogs who hate each other. Any ideas or advice would be greatly appreciated.

Here is our Bagheera and his friend Alex. These two like to play chase in the house.


And here is Arty when he was here at Christmas. He is 160 pounds of pure love.

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Post by Annie »

Oh no what a pickle!!

I would hate to have to say no, but I thats what I would do. If the dogs don't get along that is. Those are 2 big dogs to be moving to different areas in your house for 3 years.

Have you tried introducing the 2 dogs? If you do make sure it's outside in a nutral area. Not inside your house.
With any luck they might get along.
I know adult dogs can and do get along, but it scares me to put them together LOL.

Hope that you can get them to get along, maybe they can become friends!
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Post by Rookie_Green_Thumb »

Wow...Arty is a hunk! And your GSD is beautiful! I have a soft spot for them!

Okay, so that is a crummy situation to be in. I think that I would have to say no as well. Isnt there a group that will take care of pets for those deployed overseas?? Im pretty sure there is...I will see if I can find out the name.

3 Years is a long time to be gone. Did she get him from a good breeder? I wonder if maybe they could help her with some sort of long fostering situation?

Too bad the airlines wont take him. He's the same size as like 2 bigger dogs....if anything they should just ask her to pay some extra to have him flown.
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Post by nanny_56 »

Say no!! Unfortunately, this is a down side to military life. And shame on SIL for not talking to his wife about this decision!! Because of his inconsideration, you should not be forced to take on this task.

My husband was in the army back in the 70's. He talked about reupping. We knew that meant going to Germany. We had a infant son and DH would have been gone alot. I told him flatout, go if you want but I'm going back home to Indiana!!

We both came home!

Good luck, I feel bad for you and your daughter. And the dog.

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Post by newtohosta-no more »

I feel so bad for you and your DD. I have the feeling my sis is going to be in a similar situation later this year. Her DD is in the Air Force and now stationed in S. Carolina. She has acquired two cats, a hamster, and now a Rott/Lab mixed dog. She has also been told that she will be deployed in September, so who do you think will have to take care of those animals? Probably my sis. They live on a small farm, but on a rural road where everybody drives 50 or higher and pets are always getting hit in the road. I can't even count the number of pets, especially dogs, that they have lost over the last ten years. They have no fenced in area for dogs. I would encourage you to have her check into some sort of fostering situation first , before you commit to taking this on for the next 3 yrs. It's going to be hard all around. And I have to agree with nanny.....if you really , really don't want to do this then you must say no to her. :(
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Post by Ginger »

Aww Poor Arty! I would have to say No also, but look at his sad face in that pic :cry: Maybe there is a group of people who help military familes find permanent or foster homes for such dogs? This must happen often!

If not, tell DD to stay home and let SIL go overseas alone :evil: :lol: :lol:

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Post by madmama »

No decision has been reached yet. We are all still talking over different possibilities. It is not that we don’t want to take Arty, we are just not sure if our GSD will accept him. He has been an only dog for a while now. He takes real well to most cats, but we have never tried another dog.

Bagheera is 8 and has very bad hips. The vet didn’t even expect him to be doing this good at this age. Actually he told us we would be lucky if he made it to 5. So we know he will not live to be an old dog.

Arty is 4 and the life expectancy for an English Mastiff is 7 to 8 years. So my daughter knows that there is a good chance he won’t be alive when they get back. They will be coming home in July and that is when they would bring him. They are not suppose to leave for England till November. There is always the possibility that the orders could get canceled and if she gives him to someone not family, she feels that she could not just get him back.

I talked to her last night and even though she really didn’t say much I could feel her frustration through the phone. She wants us to take him but she does not want to cause us any grief. My wonderful DH has been trying to figure out a way to fence in another section of yard to keep them separate for a while to help with the getting use to time. And he said that it was a good thing our neighbor has a dump truck cause we will need it to get rid of all the dog waste. I had not thought of that fun part of having 2 large dogs.
As I said before no decision has been reached, but I will keep you all updated on what is going on. I appreciate all the words of advice and sympathy! If anyone has any good ways to introduce 2 adult dogs I would love to hear them.
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Post by Annie »

Ya never know, they might get along great! That would make life much easier on you.

Hope everything works out for you.
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Post by putnamgardens »

Because I have two "therapy" dogs....I introduce them to lots of other dogs. First do the introduction in a "new" place, so no territories will be defended. I usually turn my dogs rear end around so the other dog can smell'm and then the other dog handler does the same so my dog gets a chance to smell. Are both dogs the same gender? Good luck with the home problem. It's very hard to leave pets behind. Later, Love, Lisa
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Post by eastwood2007 »

They may get along just fine! Are they neutered? Some males can get along great. I know Mastiffs have a very gentle temperament. My male wouldn't, but then my female is the worst. It is more a function of temperament. Extra waste is no will only take DH a few minutes longer each day! :lol: (don't tell him I said that!) :lol:

One problem would be if the younger dog like to roughhouse and the older dog felt threatened because of his condition. Also, if a danger of injury to the GS.

I really feel your DDs pain. I don't think I could do it! If I were her, I would be forever grateful for someone I trust taking my baby. No guilt trip intended, just fact... :roll:
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Post by madmama »

Both are males. Our GSD is neutered, the Mastiff is not. I think our GSD is more active then the Mastiff. Arty basically likes to eat, sleep and go to the bathroom. He has been around a lot of other dogs and according to my daughter has never met another dog he didn’t like. And that goes for people too. He is the most lovable dog I have ever met.

Bagheera on the other hand is not so friendly. Even though we worked on him a lot his first couple of years, he has never been a friendly dog. In fact whenever we have company we always keep him away from our guests. He is the biggest chicken there ever was!!!! Combine that with his bad hips, we just don’t want to take any chances.

We are still talking about this and trying to think of other options. But so far we have come up with nothing. They won’t be getting here till the end of July so we still have a little time. I sure hope I get over this urge to strangle my SIL by the time they get here.
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Post by Squash Blossom »

From everything I've ever heard, Mastiffs are gentle, good-natured and loyal if well-trained but they can be aggressive, stubborn and overly independent if they're not trained properly. It sounds like, so far at least, Arty is a sweet, gentle giant but your German shepherd is perhaps more protective of his family and not used to others (people or dogs) disturbing his territory...which is understandable.

You've really got a perplexing problem! A professional dog trainer or behavior expert could probably give you ideas as far as introducing the two big dogs without someone getting hurt in the process. If they like each other, they'd probably bond and be best buddies forever...but, obviously there aren't any guarantees about that.

I do know an unneutered male dog is generally more aggressive, but not always. If Arty was my dog, I'd have him neutered for the health benefits, if nothing else. Most people will say that a neutered male dog makes the best pet.

If Arty was my dog, I also wouldn't consider shipping him...not for any reason in the entire world. Dogs not small enough to stay in a bag or small carry-on case with their owner (usually 25 lbs. is the limit) are flown in the cargo hold where temperatures fluctuate tremendously and the noise levels are deafening.

There is legislation at some point right now that is going to make airlines furnish accurate information regarding the number of pets who die in cargo holds every year...and the worst part is people sometimes are told their small pets can stay with them in the cabin, THEN when they go to board, they're forced to place their small pets in the cargo hold.

Really and truly, the EASIEST solution would be to strangle your son-in-law!! :wink:

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Post by Old earth dog »

I haven't been on forever so I hope this isn't a done deal.
Introduce the two dogs on neutral territory. That should take away any "need" for the present dog to "defend" his territory. That wil go a long way in helping you decide if this will work. They will still have to work out who's the boss but it doesn't have to be a war for many dogs. It totaly depends on personalities.
One of the very few things that neutering WILL do for a male dog is reduce same sex aggression. Just remember that it will take a couple of weeks for the present Testosterone (sp) to get out of his system and even then, the adrenal glad still produce a small amount.
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Post by madmama »

Wow was I happy to see a reply from you OED. I kept telling my DH I wish I knew how to get a hold of you. I knew you moved but didn’t know if it was closer or farther from us.
This is not a done deal yet. They will not get here till the end of July. Due to the bad hips of our GSD we never take him anywhere, but he never goes out front so I guess that will have to do. We are going to take a window out of a bedroom and put in a door. That way we can fence in the side yard for Arty. Then we will be able to let both dogs in and out without them having to deal with each other. They will be able to see each other outside, but DH is going to put up a second section of fence about a foot from the fence that will be separating them so they can’t try to fight through it. I am just praying that all this is for nothing and they get along well. But I figure better safe then sorry.
Thanks so much for the reply!
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Post by eastwood2007 »

I think that sounds like a great plan, Jane! I know it will be hard to take on the extra responsibility, but I am glad you are going for it....for you daughter and for Arty. He seems sweet...
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