Gotta vent, crazy neighbor

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Gotta vent, crazy neighbor

Post by putnamgardens »

I have the photos getting sized for the forum. Today, our X-neighbor thru trash in the street. It wouldn't be so bad if it was recycleable cans but NO. It was aluminum foil and a chicken carcas and some expired bread, still in the bag. If he thought he was feeding the birds, he's really crazy. To make a LOOONG story short. The crazy man used to be married to the women across the street. After 44 years of marriage, he divorced his wife and got a mail order bride from the Phillipines. He owns the lot (land) next to our yard and visits 6 to 15 times a day. TODAY from our 2nd story, Andy witnessed the crazy man backing down the street and opening his door and thew "Something" out and closes the door and drives away. Much to our horror, it is not against the law to litter the street. Our non emergency call to the police offered no assistance. They did offer to pick it up but we reassured the dispatcher that we did clean it up. I told her I might be paranoid but maybe he's intentionally trying to poison our dogs. Maybe he thought it wa coyote bait. WHAT ever, it was not a neighborly jesture. Their son who lives near by, tried to make excuses for his obviously demented father. We visited socially till he realized that I had taken photos of the mess. He raised his voice and suggested that I not look out my own window to watch the comings and comings of his father. I told the son that I made a nuisance call to the police and that it better be my last. We were told that if we took care of the "unimproved street or right of way", we could petition the city to grandfather the lot to Putnamgardens. I think I best do just that so the street will be mine now and throwing trash CAN have ramifications. Sounds like a call to my congress person coming on. Thanks for letting me vent. I'm just lucky that our dogs didn't eat those bones. I think a motion detector camera is in order now too. We have two. Later, Love, Lisa
P.S. That's Abby age 11 with Andy, Jillie now 11 months and crashed Scutter who just turned 4. He's my current therapy dog

P.P.S. So what would you "do" if you witnessed a potentially hazardous chicken carcas left in front of your house.?
pooped pooch.jpg
pooped pooch.jpg (37.25 KiB) Viewed 1696 times
not the best of Scutter-1.jpg
Jillie sad face.jpg
Jillie sad face.jpg (30.33 KiB) Viewed 1696 times
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Re: Gotta vent, crazy neighbor

Post by Gardentoad »

I have a neighbor that does that sort of thing. He is a cranky divorcee that has 2 large dogs he leaves outside all the time. They kill birds, squirells, opossums and cats. He just pitches them over our fence. I have seen him do it a few times but usually I would just find it. A couple times my dogs rolled in it before I got it out of the yard. There was an empty lot behind us for years but he prefers to dump them in my yard. I don't really know why he does it as we have had not had a fight with him. I have only even talked to him once, just before we put up the fence right after we moved in. He told me that he hated yardwork. I have never said anything about his yard because I realy don't care what it looks like. I don't know, maybe my gardening makes him feel guilty or something?
I just pick the carcasses up without saying or doing anything. I figure that confronting him would just let him know it bothers me.

We have small dogs so we built a short fence that divides a small section of our back yard right out of the back door. This gives the dogs a place to run without letting them by the fence between us and this loony neighbor. That way the dogs don't get into anything that may be out there. In the summer I let them run the whole yard after I do a quick walk around to check on the fenceline.
It's been almost a year now since I found anything. Either his dogs are getting too old to catch anything or he found other forms of amusement.
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Re: Gotta vent, crazy neighbor

Post by doublemom2 »

We have some nasty neighbors also, the ones who used to let their young Dobi loose around the neighborhood and it would always come and poop in our yard. After catching it and taking it home to its owner several times, I politely asked her to keep her dog off of my property... When she said she couldn't afford a fence to keep the dog in, I told her she should have thought of that before getting the dog. Then she slammed the door in my face LOL!. They've since put up an invisible fence and the dog has a huge lot to run on without coming into our yard, so at least it's contained and it has a good acre or more to run around safely on.

But... lately (only on non-school nights) we've had kids hopping the fence into our back yard and dumping garbage back there, small things like milk containers and also an abandoned bicycle that they threw over our fence, breaking off several tree branches. They've been ringing our doorbell in the middle of the night, and once they pounded on my daughter's window late at night (she was still awake with her lights on, but still scary!). Cops have been called three times thus far, but luckily at this point it's more nuisance stuff and nothing actually vandalized or broken except for a few tree branches. My DH is looking into getting some motion sensor cameras, that's his project for this weekend. We've already put out a ton of motion sensor flood lights.

So... to answer your question, I have no idea how to handle people who like to make other's lives miserable. Some people don't seem to be happy unless they are making other people unhappy. I'd definitely keep taking photos of any evidence, particularly if you can catch him in the act at some point. Have that police number posted by your phone and use it if you need to! I have the police non-emergency number next to all of our phones, and my kids are instructed to call if they ever see kids hopping the fence into our back yard, or call 911 if they are ever home alone and feel threatened. Unfortunately, we think it's the kids from the same house as the Doberman, but we can't prove a thing until we catch them in the act or get photos of them.

Good luck, and please let us know how things work out.

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Re: Gotta vent, crazy neighbor

Post by Ginger »

So glad I live on 10 acres in the country with no messy neighbors! :lol:

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Re: Gotta vent, crazy neighbor

Post by Kas »

Hey, Andi!

I hadn't heard this story yet. What about running an electric wire along the top of the back fence? They get shocked once and you never have to turn it on again! Of course, they might find something else to do to the front of the house. I am guessing that the doorbell ringing and window knocking is a direct result of having cute girls in school. Just thinking. Boys are terrible at telling girls they have a crush on them.

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Re: Gotta vent, crazy neighbor

Post by doublemom2 »

Oh, Kathy, yuck! If it's the kids I think it is, I pray they don't have an interest in my girls!!! NOT the kind of kids I'd want my girls hanging out with or associating with at all. My fantastic next door neighbor (with 5.9 small children) has had to ask them and their friends several times to not smoke their pot right next to the fence line where her small kids can inhale it. She's called the cops on them several times. It's these teen's mom who slammed the door in my face when I returned her dog to her.

OK... maybe we need to get my daughter and your son back together again!!! At least that way I know who she's hanging out with and I know the parents really well, right??? Maybe there's something to be said for arranged marriages... just kidding of course! :wink:

BTW, how's your neck doing?

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Re: Gotta vent, crazy neighbor

Post by Spider »

"OK... maybe we need to get my daughter and your son back together again!!! At least that way I know who she's hanging out with and I know the parents really well, right??? Maybe there's something to be said for arranged marriages... just kidding of course!

BTW, how's your neck doing?

Andi "

:eek: What did you do to her neck?? :eek: (you know, for the son seeing your daughter) :lol: :lol: :lol:
Spider's Hosta List There are photos there too :)

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Re: Gotta vent, crazy neighbor

Post by Kas »

You are funny, Spider! No, I have a torn and herniated disc in my neck. Andi has actually been helping me find good docs and even took me to get my cortizone injection. That hurt like a big dog, even though everyone at both doctor offices said it wouldn't. Liars.

Andi, I know what you mean about the arranged marriages, but I am glad we don't do that in our society. I never would have married Ray. We met at an Ultimate Frisbee tournament. Nothing arranged about that, except by God! And my neck hurts more than before the shot. I'm ticked off about that. $253 out of pocket for a big failure. I am not willing to go back to that guy unless it is to get my films back (well, DVD). I will try that other guy you recommended before down at Valley. I know you said it sometimes took more than one shot. Next time, I will ask for percoset instead of valium. :lol:

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Re: Gotta vent, crazy neighbor

Post by putnamgardens »

I guess everybodies got a crazy neighbor story. I have a few. One guy was witnessed last night at 9:45pm a DIFFERENT crazy neighbor brought an ice cream bucket of who knows what and through it in our alley. Mind you....the guys gotta walk down the hill and across the street. Why don't people just keep their own $h&T in their own yard? Photos from neighbor #1. Later, Love, Lisa
chix from Charlie.jpg
Chix with bread from Charlie.jpg
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