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Posted: Jun 23, 2008 2:39 pm
by Dusty
Well, I am glad to hear Max is not the only one who likes babannas! :lol: Pretty much I have found Max will eat most anything.... his latest craze.... Avacadoes! :lol:

Posted: Jun 23, 2008 9:51 pm
by PeggyC
Will have to try the bananas! Our dogs love baked sweet potatos, skins and all.

Posted: Jun 24, 2008 12:38 pm
by doublemom2
Well... I have a CAT that will eat just about any fruit or vegetable, I swear he could be a vegetarian if I tried LOL!. We cannot cut into a cantalope melon without him running full speed into the kitchen to wait for his bites. He also loves bananas, cucumbers, red bell peppers, baby salad greens, zucchini, anything with tomatoes like spaghetti sauce, etc. Crazy boy!


Posted: Jun 24, 2008 3:53 pm
by Kas
Andi, he is just living up to the name! He's a monkey. A sweet one, too!



Posted: Jun 25, 2008 9:40 pm
by govgirl75
I have 3 Chihuahuas and they all LOVE bananas. They would eat them until they fell over if I let them. I also have a doggie treat recipe that uses bananas as one of the ingredients. They like those, too. The breeder did tell me no chocolate, grapes, or raisins. They will also eat windfall apples off the ground.
Your doggies are all beautiful!

Posted: Jun 29, 2008 11:16 am
by Dusty
Andi, You definately seem to have a vegertarian kitty! :grin:

Hi Govgirl.. welcome to the forums. Do you have any pictures of your 3 fur babies? We'd love to see them! Also, I'd love a copy of your recipe using bananas.. I am sure Max will greatly appreciate it also. :)

Bananas Dog Treat Recipe

Posted: Jun 29, 2008 5:54 pm
by govgirl75
Hello Dusty! Thanks for the welcome. This is such a wonderful, friendly place to be. Here is the recipe for Banana Doggie Treats:
3 c. oatmeal
1 1/4 c. flour
2 eggs
1/4 c. oil
1/2 c. honey
1/2 c. milk
2 mashed bananas (the real ripe ones work well)
Blend liquid ingredients with the eggs and mashed banana. Add flour and oat meal. The mixture will be like thick cake batter. Spread in well greased pizza pan (or well greased cake pan). Bake at 325 degrees F. about 25 minutes. Let cool a bit and cut into squares or strips. Keep refrigerated. I put in plastic baggies and freeze most and pull out the baggies when I run out of the ones in the 'fridge. All the ingredients are pretty healthy.

I will try to post pix of the hounds. I am not too good with the computer and getting stuff on the forum. I had a devil of a time getting a pix of one of my hostas on for Chris to look at and had to resort to asking my kid to help me. LOL I will try in the next few days, though.

Posted: Jun 30, 2008 1:32 pm
by Dusty
Govgirl... Thanks for the recipe! I shall make some for my boys later in the week. No worries about posting pic's.. I am not so good at all this fancy schmansy computer stuff either. :grin: