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Heartworm/Flea treatments?

Posted: Apr 24, 2005 12:23 am
by wishiwere
Where do you ladies and gents get your medications for your animals? With 2 dogs (on lasix and one on thyroxine not to mention eye ointment and special foods), and 2 cats and myself not working currently, it's a chunk of change for the meds. Does anyone order online or through the animal feed places to treat their animals after the heartworm check is done at the vets?

We used Interceptor last year I believe, if that's the one for fleas & heartworm I think?

Any thoughts or suggestions?

Posted: Apr 24, 2005 11:04 pm
by Old earth dog
Haven't done it yet, but I'm going to try online this year. With three dogs it's just to expensive at the vets. I haven't decided exactly who or where yet.

Posted: Apr 24, 2005 11:29 pm
by wishiwere
Yeah, we've got plus the cats, but the cats aren't on anything indoors unless you count one year we had fleas get in here b/c we were late getting the dogs started and I made sure the cats hadn't gotten any! :(

Here's one site I was looking at:

Let me know what you find and I'll look again and tomorrow and share what I find :)

Posted: Apr 25, 2005 1:11 am
by lazygardner
I recently bought several feline distemper vaccines at TSC (Tractor Supply Company). They turned out to be the same brand the vet uses anyway. I did call and ask the vet technician some questions, but she was very nice about it and even offered for me to bring one of the kitties in and they would watch me vaccinate to make sure I did it right. I save a TON of cash doing it this way. You can't get rabies vaccines anywhere except for the vets, but you might get some of the other meds at TSC.

Posted: Apr 25, 2005 5:18 am
by wishiwere
Thanks, I had forgotten about that type of store! We have one a 1/2 mile from here. Used to be Quality farm and fleet and the T.S. went in a couple years ago. I did the vaccines way back when they were puppies, but that was one time. I was making enough then to continue having the vet do it, but dang........with 2 cats, 2 dogs and all the old dog meds, it's getting expensive now :(

Thanks, I'll check there today!

Posted: Apr 25, 2005 2:33 pm
by patsue53
I still use old fashioned flea collars for flea and tick control.
My cat, Taffy once had an allergic reaction to a flea collar and I'm worried that if he reacts to the other stuff how would I get it off of him? Also, I read an article that the canine topical flea control can be lethal to cats. So if you put it on your dog and your cat rubs on your dog then what happens?? (not that any of my cats will EVER rub on Hugo but I still worry.)

So, until someone answers my questions to my satisfaction I'm going to stick to flea collars. They seem to work just fine (even if they do stink.)

flea meds

Posted: Apr 25, 2005 6:33 pm
by jay dee
They don't want you using your canine medication for your cat. The medication is absorbed into the skin, between the shoulder blades and I doubt if any cat will rub the dog in the shoulder area. The medication leaves a greasy type mark on the dog's coat but even that disappears within 24 hours.

The medication in a flea color and the medication that is absorbed into the skin, would be different medications.

jay dee

Posted: Apr 25, 2005 8:28 pm
by wishiwere
The cats have only been treated twice in their lives for fleas, b/c I've treated the dogs with that stuff that makes the fleas sterile and the cats have never had problem.

Then last year he (the vet) suggested the heartworm/flea combo and I did that. Still didn't have to treat the cats ever. I would prefer not too. They've both been vacinated but I didn't renew their rabies. Seems senselessly to me when they never go out except with us on our laps occasionally on the patio or deck.

I don't like to medicate if it's possible not to, and all the animals have had healthy lives, so I dont' think i've hurt them or neglected with this regime. Jmho though :)

Thanks all :)

Posted: Apr 25, 2005 11:28 pm
by Old earth dog
Because I'm in the woods so much with my dogs, I use the stuff betwen the shoulders (frontline). There seems to be a move in the working dog comunity to stop yearly innoculations. At lest not get all the shots at the same time. Unfortunately, we do that for convience nad cost. A titer test can determine if the dogs system is still actively fighting off the different "bugs." Not to many vets want to do it. Yearly shots are their main source of income in practice.

Posted: Apr 25, 2005 11:58 pm
by Squash Blossom
My favorite veterinary care website is and there are some interesting comments there concerning yearly vaccinations. I'll say this much, we've heard so many tragic and near tragic stories involving several pugs reactions to routine innoculations that it definitely is worth studying.

I know of two pugs who died of uncontrollable seizuring after being vaccinated for Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever.

It's a good idea to keep Benedryl in your dog's first aid kit in case of a delayed reaction to a vaccination (or to bee stings and insect bites). If they start swelling, particularly if the throat is swelling, Benedryl can save help save a life as you get to a veterinarian.

I don't use the flea preventative stuff unless I see a flea on one of the pugs and even then I've found 3 small dogs can share one vial of the between-the-shoulders medication and seemingly get good protection. We've been extremely lucky not to have fleas for the past 2-3 years...I suppose the mosquitos ate them. :cry:

Posted: Apr 26, 2005 5:33 am
by lazygardner
I'm glad the TSC suggestionis helpful. I don't know if cats can take oral benedryl, but they can take oral chlortrimetron (chlorpheniramine maleate sp?). 1/4 to 1/2 pill per day for a ten pound kitty, so that might be a good allergy med to keep on hand too.

Just a reminder: Its really important to not give cats, dog medication. Cats are much more sensitive and absorb more chemicals in their skin, than dogs. Using a dog shampoo on a cat will most likely kill the cat.

Posted: Apr 26, 2005 7:52 am
by wishiwere
Well, other than trying to give dd her puppy antibiotic ONE morning early instead of her own, I've never shared meds with any of the kids, 2 or 4 legged! :lol:

Thank heavns the 4 year old knew better! Same antibiotic, different scripts of course! My goodness I was tired from being up all night with kids that morning. Now I double check everyone's meds! Feel like I should get RN pay some days! :lol:

Posted: Apr 26, 2005 10:29 am
by Squash Blossom
Every summer we'll get multiple topics at PugVillage concerning pugs who have been bitten or stung by common garden insects and it never ceases to amaze me how dramatic and dangerous the result can be...and how quickly the pet can get in a life-threatening situation.

The worst thing I've ever seen, and I've only seen it once, was a young pug somewhere in the East who was bitten by a Brown Recluse Spider and, incredibly, lived. It was horrible.

We're also hearing more and more stories about pugs being attacked by coyotes who seem to really be infiltrating in-town, neighborhood subdivisions more and more. A sheltie was killed here in Shreveport last summer, in its own backyard in a very pricey neighborhood, when a coyote jumped a backyard fence.

I guess every season has it's specific dangers to pets but summer really worries me the most, small pets can get in trouble in the blink of an eye if they're stung, bitten OR often swallow a bee or wasp.


Posted: Apr 26, 2005 5:58 pm
by newtohosta-no more
I only have the one dog, so get her heartworm meds at the vets. Since I have indoor and outdoor cats I treat all the cats for fleas. I started this after my indoor cats got fleas last year..probably through the screen door or from us as we went in and out and rubbed on the outdoor cats. I order Advantage online since I have to get some much of it. I found it to be too expensive at the local vet. This is the place I ordered from this year:

It's in Australia, but I had no trouble with my order and it was cheaper than many of the other places I checked out.

Posted: Apr 26, 2005 7:17 pm
by wishiwere
Thanks Joan! I appreaciate it! :)