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Heart warming signs!!

Posted: Jul 12, 2005 10:18 pm
by Bluecanoe
Some of you who know me well remember that I lost my Siamese cat 'Canoe' last October to an aggressive form of Liver Cancer. Our Maine Coon 'Maggie May' had been Canoe's life long partner, he was only 10 months old when she came to live with us over 13 years ago and they'd bonded immediately. They slept together, washed eachother and were eachother's shadows literally. When he died so quickly she went into a very dark depression. She roamed the house looking for him when he was in the hospital and when we brought him home to bury him she sensed where he was and started sleeping against the wall in the den not more then a foot away from his burial space.
We'd lost her other companion Tabitha only a year earlier so this was her first time being an only cat. We decided to get her another Siamese companion thinking that might help, it helped us somewhat, but she resented the new kitten and we thought we might have made a big mistake.
She growled and hissed at him, and he even ended up with a little scar on his nose from a fierce swat she's given him when he first came. This was not normal behavior from her, she'd always been a very gentle cat and we'd never even heard her hiss before.

We did see some softening over the months, he kept trying to get close, and she started to 'sort of' tollerate him. However this afternoon I walked into our dark bedroom (we keep the blinds drawn in there most of the time) and I saw them very close on the bed, on further inspection I saw that she was giving him a bath! She always gave Canoe a bath, and I had a major flashback of her and Canoe together. 'Blue' had the same expression on his face as Canoe used to have when Maggie was pampering him. I've seen them playing lately, although she still growls at him when he tries to jump on her back and ride her like she was his pony.. :-? But this latest incident is so darn heart warming! There's still almost 13 years between them, but headway has been made!! Here's a few of the photos I I type this, they are of course fighting..but... :???:

Posted: Jul 12, 2005 11:15 pm
by JaneG
Awwww, what a sweet story and what precious kitties!

Posted: Jul 12, 2005 11:17 pm
by wishiwere
{{Aw}} that is a heartwarming story :)

Our 'Lucy' (lucifer, aka, the cat from hell-O) did the same thing to littlebit when we added her to the fold. Took one look, ran over and smacked her atop the head, I thought she'd knocked her out! They tolerate each other now, but Lucy remains the 'head of the household', even keeping the dogs in their place. Unless of course they have something she warmth on a cold night she'll curl up in between their legs, or if one has tromped through catnip, she's sure to rub against them, chasing them everywhere to get close to them! LOL

Posted: Jul 12, 2005 11:40 pm
by Tundra_Queen
Lynda, what a sweet story. And I'm so glad that Maggie is learning to tolerate Blue. And what a sweet pic, giving kisses. :-)

Posted: Jul 13, 2005 8:46 am
by PeggyC
:P Awww, Linda, that is indeed a sweet story and the pics are darling!

Posted: Jul 13, 2005 9:41 am
by LucyGoose
Awww, how precius! I love that second picture with that tongue! :D

Posted: Jul 13, 2005 11:10 am
by jmboyer
Lynda, those photos are adorable. I'm so glad that Maggie has begun mothering Blue. What a darling story this is. I'm looking forward to seeing more photos of these two sweeties.

Posted: Jul 13, 2005 9:59 pm
by wingnut
Now how stinkin cute is that! Dont cha just love em. They have minds and personalities all their own. Thats a great story,its funny what they do when they think you aint watching.

Posted: Jul 15, 2005 7:44 am
by Linda P
Oh, Lynda, I can imagine how great that made you feel. We try to do the best for our pets, as you did by bringing in a new companion for her. Now you can see that she is actually accepting the new cat, you must feel at last that you did do the right thing. Great pics. Glad you had that new camera nearby!
Linda P

Posted: Jul 16, 2005 8:46 am
by mamawsdaughter
Those pictures are too darling....the story just made me smile from ear to ear...thanks for sharing it with us....
