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Something is wrong with Wilbur

Posted: Jul 23, 2005 3:55 am
by Tundra_Queen
I need ideas, suggestions.anything.

Thursday night Wilbur threw up, I thought furball. I hadn't been brushing him every day for about 5 days so that was part of the problem.

Thursday he didn't eat as much as he normally does and Friday he hardly has eaten at all.

I have tried to give him his fur ball stuff, which he normally loves and he hardly touched it. I even opened up a can of tuna and put some of it on top of his cat food, he licked at it a couple of times and then walked away.

I tried to give him some margarine to see if that might move the fur ball but he just licked at it once and that was it.

He has never done this before. Normally he throws up his furballs and then he is ok. But for him not to eat? I'm getting nervous!


Posted: Jul 23, 2005 9:38 am
by patsue53
I'd say get Wilbur to the vet right away. Cat's can go into kidney failure pretty quickly if they stop eating. I hope your pretty boy gets to feeling better soon.

Posted: Jul 23, 2005 9:40 am
by Snow
Yup - get him to the vet!

Posted: Jul 23, 2005 11:40 am
by wishiwere
{{Oh TQ!}} How's he doing? Did you get him into the vet? I've given the girls the tuna juice before as it's packed in water and that seems to help. Will he drink that? Is his tummy distended? Fever? A vet trip sounds like the best idea. Good luck.

Posted: Jul 23, 2005 1:23 pm
by Tundra_Queen
we have just traced the vet down at the lumberjack festival and he returned our page.
I'm bringing willie in at 2 pm to the office. it will be an emergency visit, as the office is closed on weekends.
willie still is not eating, he's just sitting at the patio door or laying around. i felt his stomach but it didn't feel weird but i'm not really sure how it feels normally.
the vet seems very concerned ashe is not eating.
i'll let you all know

Posted: Jul 23, 2005 2:16 pm
by newtohosta-no more
I hope Wilbur will be okay, Debbie. Let us know what the vet says as soon as you can. In the meantime we'll send positive vibes your way.

Posted: Jul 23, 2005 2:34 pm
by Tundra_Queen
we just got back from the vets and willie is staying over night there. The vet said his heart was good, bladder wasn't swollen? lungs were good, the only thing his temp was 102. something which was a bit high. So he will be given a shot of antibiotics and just kept under observation and see if his body functions are working ok.

My poor baby. *sigh*


Posted: Jul 23, 2005 2:40 pm
by wishiwere
{{Aw}} Poor baby. At least being a weekend, it will be quiet for him hopefully to rest well. I feel so badly when I Have to leave a furbaby there and can't stay. I never left my wee one without someone they knew, couldn't imagine leaving them, but they don't let you stay :( Hope it turns out to be a big 'ol hairball and nothing more serious.


Posted: Jul 23, 2005 9:20 pm
by Snow
Does sound like an infection or something - which could be good news, considering!

Posted: Jul 23, 2005 10:01 pm
by patsue53
I'm glad you got him to the vet. I'll wager he'll be feeling much better tomorrow. I'll be keeping my fingers crossed. :)

Posted: Jul 23, 2005 11:11 pm
by Tundra_Queen
Thanks everyone.

I hope he will be better tomorrow, we don't like him being away from us. He is our baby kitty :-) I just hope he is not scared.


Posted: Jul 23, 2005 11:54 pm
by JaneG
Oh, poor Wilbur!! Was he still peeing and pooping? My kitty got something stuck in his pipes and he was throwing up. A clue that his food couldn't get through him was that he wasn't pooping any more.

Hope the antibiotics work and that you've got Wilbur back home soon.

I'll be you are all missing him!

Posted: Jul 25, 2005 9:44 am
by jmboyer
How sad to come back to the forum only to discover that yet another sweet baby is suffering. Debbie, I truly hope that Wilbur responds to the antibiotic therapy. Please keep us updated.

Posted: Jul 25, 2005 9:58 am
by Tundra_Queen
The vet called this morning to tell us he is going to sedate wilbur and flush out his bladder as it doesn't feel like he is peeing enough.

I give him the special Purnia ph food so he wouldn't get crystals so I don 't know why he has got them. *sigh*
So he won't be coming home today. :-(


Posted: Jul 25, 2005 10:47 pm
by LucyGoose
Awwww Debbie........Sorry I haven't been in here lately, and am so sorry to hear about Wilber!! Man!! Hope everything turns out.....Going now to read your other post about him....