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My new babies

Posted: Sep 21, 2008 3:21 am
by Tundra_Queen

Things are still hectic here, but have calmed down a bit. So I was able to take some pics tonight of the two bandits! :lol:

O'shawnnessy is the black and white one,,, Mirabelle is the white, tan and grey one.


Re: My new babies

Posted: Sep 21, 2008 9:06 am
by LucyGoose
Morning Debbie!!

Awwww, they are so cute!!! so soft looking and with nice slick hair......Glad it has calmed some.....Thanks for more pictures...... 8-)

Re: My new babies

Posted: Sep 21, 2008 9:40 am
by Annie
Love that first pic! They are all cute!

Re: My new babies

Posted: Sep 21, 2008 11:56 am
by petal*pusher
I think those little kittens picked YOU!! They're just beautiful...and I love your Wilbur keeping watch!.....p :D

Re: My new babies

Posted: Sep 21, 2008 4:55 pm
by doublemom2
They are beautiful, and the most fortunate kitties to have a forever home with you :)


Re: My new babies

Posted: Sep 21, 2008 6:05 pm
by Garden_of_Mu
What a beautiful pair they are. And the shot of Wilber keeping watch and looking a bit confused is very cute. :lol:

Re: My new babies

Posted: Sep 21, 2008 9:21 pm
by nanny_56
They are adorable...poor Wilbur does look a little put out!

Re: My new babies

Posted: Sep 21, 2008 10:08 pm
by JaneG
Awww, they want to go for a ride!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

So cute to see Wilbur keeping his distance but yet keeping them in his sight!! I wonder what he's thinking??

Re: My new babies

Posted: Sep 21, 2008 10:17 pm
by Chris_W
I think it is great the Wilbur will tolerate being in the same room with them :wow: :D

Re: My new babies

Posted: Sep 22, 2008 10:42 pm
by Tundra_Queen
Thanks everyone.

This morning was not a good day, Wilbur nailed O'Shawnnessy 3 times and hurt him. I was so mad at him! Yesterday was such a good day.

I had forgotten to use the Feliway spray this morning, but tonight is going better. I just wish Wilbur would go into another room and let them be, but he just chases them and this morning he was just mean. :-( he got rough again tonight, but I sprayed him with water and he stopped. I sure hope he stops being bad.


Re: My new babies

Posted: Sep 23, 2008 2:15 am
by doublemom2
Debbie - give it time and be patient with them all. Our older FuzzButt has never forgiven us for adopting the two younger boys, Monkey and Jet. She HATES them, but they have all learned how to tolerate each other, and they all have certain areas in the house that they claim as theirs. They'll take a while to work out who gets which cat bed, couch cushion, etc... They may never all get along and be snuggly, but they'll work out their individual territories over time.

Having gone from one primadonna cat to three cats (two being very young, rambunctious boys!), one thing I can't stress enough is vertical space!!! Floorspace to humans is totally different than to cats, and vertical space is often how cats can figure out dominance or territories, by who is the highest. Give the cats plenty of tall areas to get to, tops of bookshelves, cat trees, etc. and it really increases their usable space, giving each cat a lot more options for figuring out who gets what area.

And keep the pix coming, please, those are two ADORABLE babies!


Re: My new babies

Posted: Sep 23, 2008 9:32 pm
by LucyGoose
Andi is right, just give them time......Curtis waited 6 months to come out around not force them together.....the squirt bottle of water it good to have you have someplace to like put the babies in the evening? I am just wondering, so that Wilbur could come out to see you without the kittens....Hang in there......This is what you wanted, right?? :lol: :lol: . :lol: ...... :wink: ......Hugs!!!! :beer:

Re: My new babies

Posted: Sep 24, 2008 3:08 am
by Tundra_Queen
Today went better, Wilbur only got rough once and then I had a long chat with him. Gary asked me if I thought he really understood me and I said well I used words he knows. :lol: But he was pretty good the rest of the time the kids were out of their room. I also used the Feliway spray too. I would remind him to just "move nicely" when he would chase them so he slowed down quite a bit. I also explained to him that the kittens "were friends" and just "playing mousie toys" with each other when they would wrestle with each other and they were "no biting". Those are all words he knows.

They were all even at the patio door watching the birds. I don't think the kids have seen birds before. Wilbur was on his rubbermaid tote and the kids were at the screen and they were all fine. They were there for over an hour and no trouble.

Andi, I'm thinking of putting up carpeted shelves on the walls so the kids can climb up them and have them go around the ceiling etc. I've seen them on the net and I think I can make them much cheaper myself.

Lucy, yes I wanted 2 kittens, but I'm a multi cat virgin and I didn't know what I was getting into. I thought Wilbur would be ok with them. :lol:

Take care

Re: My new babies

Posted: Sep 24, 2008 9:17 am
by LucyGoose
Tundra_Queen wrote:Lucy, yes I wanted 2 kittens, but I'm a multi cat virgin and I didn't know what I was getting into... I thought Wilbur would be ok with them. :lol:
You KNOW I will always tease you..... :lol: .. :lol: ...Wilbur will be fine in due time.....Give all the fur kids a pat from Lucy!!! Most of all, HAVE FUN!!! 8-)

Re: My new babies

Posted: Sep 24, 2008 2:29 pm
by Tundra_Queen
Lucy,,, your lucky I don't live closer cause I'd drop them all off for u to babysit for a few days,,,, I need the rest! :lol:

I went into the kitchen today and couldn't believe what I saw! All 3 of them sitting at the patio door watching a chipmunk and birds! I wish Willie was like that all the time. :lol: He was a bit rough with them today but I think he was trying to play.


Re: My new babies

Posted: Sep 24, 2008 3:18 pm
by govgirl75
Oh, boy, those are the sweetest pictures ever.
You are doing great with the multi cat thing. They eventually sort everything out and find their own space. We have been multi cat for 25 years with different combinations of mother/daughter/no relation or no relation/no relation/no relation. It has always worked out, though I was surprised the mother/daughter were not closer. Once Ratso Rizzo stopped nursing, MomCat no longer saw her as a relation, just another cat. :( It took little Ratsie a while to figure that out, including an attempt to return to nursing on our spayed 5 year old Beagle/Blue Tick hound, Molly. I will never, the rest of my life, forget the look on that dog's face when that kitten tried to nurse on her. :eek:
Please keep the pix coming. They are terrific!

Re: My new babies

Posted: Sep 25, 2008 5:42 am
by newtohosta-no more
Debbie , congrats on your new babies. They are both beautiful! Wilbur may never really get use to them, but he will learn to tolerate them. You may still have some spats along the way, but hopefully no blood will be spilled. :lol:
Keep those pictures coming!! :D

Re: My new babies

Posted: Sep 25, 2008 7:41 am
by eastwood2007
Beautiful littles kitties! And Wilbur looks so stately and 'in charge." I especially love the colors on your little girl there.
Congrats and thank goodness for your perserverance.

Re: My new babies

Posted: Sep 25, 2008 3:04 pm
by Tundra_Queen

Govgirl, sometimes I think it is going pretty well, but then willie turns around and hisses and smacks them again. That is so funny about Ratsie trying to nurse on the dog. :lol: :lol:

Joan, thanks. I am still hoping they will be friends or at least friendly. *S* I was looking all over for O'shawnnessy this afternoon, I knew where the other 2 were and I didn't think to look behind Wilbur! I never thought OS would be there,,,but yep there he was. So I was able to get pics of that.

Thanks Charla, Wilbur gets his stubborness from his mom......ME! :lol: I don't like to give up on things. *S*


Re: My new babies

Posted: Sep 26, 2008 8:08 am
by LucyGoose
Debbie, I think they are doing great as they can lay that close to each other.....a little hiss here and there is think they tell me about the dogs, everyone needs their space, so Wilbur is just letting them know to stay out of his space from time to time.....heck, look at how close they are in the pictures........Your doing great!!! :cool: