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Guess what I got? *G*

Posted: Jul 18, 2009 7:48 am
by Tundra_Queen

I have another cat/kitten! *S* It has been wandering around town for over 2 weeks and people have reported it, but no one had caught it. It was out udner a tree in the pouring rain we have been having all month so my g/f checked with animal control and they said no one has asked about it. None of the vets have reports, no posters, not on the radio, on on bulletin boards. They said that they would just stick it in a cage for five days then it would be put to sleep. *sigh* So she called me and said she wanted me to rescue it. She is very allergic so I thought about it and said ok.

I think it must be a female as she is a diluted calico. I have to wait until Tuesday to bring her to the vets and have her checked out. She looks like she has meat on her, but she is all bone under that thick fur of hers! I've never seen a cat with such plush fur. Her white was grey when I got her, but I cleaned her up a bit and have started giving her meat and canned food to get her fattened up. She has a few wounds on her as my friend said she could hear cats fighting a couple of nights and her left eye doesn't seem to alway sopen all the way. Poor cat.

I have called her Darby for now.

Here she is.


Re: Guess what I got? *G*

Posted: Jul 18, 2009 7:53 am
by Tundra_Queen
She is in the bathroom right now until we get her tests back to keep her separated from the other 3 so the lightening is not good.

some more..


Re: Guess what I got? *G*

Posted: Jul 18, 2009 8:44 am
by newtohosta-no more
She is so pretty! Thank you so much, Debbie, for rescuing her and giving her a good home. Bless you! :D
P.S. I love the name "Darby" for her. :wink:

Re: Guess what I got? *G*

Posted: Jul 18, 2009 10:49 am
by JaneG
She really is lovely. (I'm partial to calico)

Thanks for offering her a safe home, I hope all the other critters will get along with her!

Re: Guess what I got? *G*

Posted: Jul 18, 2009 11:13 am
by Spider
She's very pretty!

Re: Guess what I got? *G*

Posted: Jul 18, 2009 12:28 pm
by eastwood2007
Awww....what a sweet face!

She looks like she appreciates what you've done for her. Way to go!

Re: Guess what I got? *G*

Posted: Jul 18, 2009 8:18 pm
by petal*pusher
Bless your heart! She's beautiful...look at those "Egyptian" eyes...all rimmed in black!

We found a batch of kittens on Mother's Day...evidently, that black, long-haired cat that has been in the neighborhood for more than a year WASN'T a male!

They're beautiful little things! Two black w/ tiny white toes and a spot of white on his nose...and a grey that I did find a home for. Anyone need a kitten?!?.....p :)

Re: Guess what I got? *G*

Posted: Jul 18, 2009 11:00 pm
by LucyGoose
Awwww.....what a sweetie!! Glad you have her......:-)

Re: Guess what I got? *G*

Posted: Jul 19, 2009 2:48 am
by caliloo
Kudos to you for rescuing that pretty girl! She looks very sweet and I hope she transitions into your home easily. Best of luck to you all!


Re: Guess what I got? *G*

Posted: Jul 19, 2009 7:23 am
by Tundra_Queen
Thanks everyone. She is a sweetie and I hope she is ok with everyone. I know she is ok with the dog. they touched noses yesterday for a second. Darby didn't like it when Tegan stood up though.

Willie growls at her thru the door, but Mirabelle and O'Shawnnessey lay outside the door for hours and no growling. They were raised with 17 other cats so they are use to cats. LOL

Petal Pusher I'm so glad that u rescued those kittens! Was the mom still with them?

It seems a lot of people think cats are disposable, which really ticks me off!

I will be glad when Tuesday gets here and she gets checked out by the vet, so I know if I can start making the introductions to the other cats.

Debbie :-)

Re: Guess what I got? *G*

Posted: Jul 21, 2009 3:11 pm
by Ginger
She is beautiful! You are such a wonderful person for taking her in Debbie! Blessings upon you!!


Re: Guess what I got? *G*

Posted: Aug 06, 2009 12:56 am
by doublemom2
She is very beautiful and looks very comfy with you. Thanks for taking her in and giving her a home... I also hate the fact that people think of cats as "disposable". Our three cats are so much a part of our family and our daily lives that I simply cannot imagine my life without them. I have nightmares about them getting lost and wandering around town trying to find them, which is why I never ever let them out without supervision, or in Monkey's case on his harness and leash.

Let us know how the vet appointment went when you get a chance :)


Re: Guess what I got? *G*

Posted: Aug 06, 2009 2:23 am
by Tundra_Queen
Sorry I didn't get back here sooner. I've been having some computer troubles.

Gee it's hard to believe that we've had Darby for 3 weeks already! wow.
Darby is fine, she got dewormed and the vet thought that she probably was fixed seeing as she got declawed which they usually do at the same time. She is about 8 months old.

She is still getting use to the other 3 cats, but Willie is the one that is causing trouble. Mirabelle and O'Shawnnessey just want to be friends. The first few days Darby did a lot of growling and hissing at them. But she is getting better and only hisses when Willie hisses at her.

She is wandering around the house and getting use to the place but still doesn't play much. It's like she doesn't know how so I'm trying to teach her.

I will post some pics.


Re: Guess what I got? *G*

Posted: Aug 06, 2009 9:00 am
by Spider
Wow, almost a perfect match. :)

Re: Guess what I got? *G*

Posted: Aug 06, 2009 11:35 am
by Ginger
Wow, Darby and MIrrabelle look like they could be from the same litter! How do you tell them apart :lol: :lol:
Darby's eye looks much better. Did the vet figure out what was wrong? She looks very happy and content, and I know she will learn to play soon, once she is feeling more secure.


Re: Guess what I got? *G*

Posted: Aug 11, 2009 1:32 am
by Tundra_Queen
spider, yep almost perfect. I tell people Mirabelle cloned herself. LOL

Ginger...Darby's eyes are green, Mirabelles sort of orangey. Darby's face is round, Mirabelle's triangular. Darby has grey patches, Mirabelle's have turned from grey to black. Darby is shorter in body and tail,,, Mirabelle is longer with longer tail.
When Darby moves she isn't as nervous as Mirabelle is. Darby's collar is pink and silver, Mirabelles is blue and pink. *G*

But I still get them confused at times! LOL
