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Anthyrium 'Burgundy Lace'

Posted: May 15, 2007 5:45 pm
by MollyD
I picked up some Anthyrium 'Burgundy Lace' plugs and I'm wondering if these are aggressive growers. I know little about them aside from the fact that they're very attractive :P
Would appreciate any information you care to share.


Posted: May 15, 2007 10:17 pm
by John
That's the Japanese Painted Fern, right?

They are not overly aggressive, but excellent performers, even in dry shade with root competition. In fact, the only fern I grow that looks decent all season. (The hay-scented fern is not bad, but don't let it ever dry too much.)

I really like the burgundy coloring in these, which can be picked-up with suitable color companion plants-- in addition to hostas, which are perfect with them.

Posted: May 16, 2007 8:14 am
by MollyD
it is John. TNN where I got them says it clumps, it's low growing, hates full sun and salt. Unfortunately I've learned to distrust what TNN says and look for other opinions.

Their photo shows a burgundy colored fern. Here they're mostly silver with traces of green and burgundy-very pretty but nothing like the photo.

I was mostly worried about how aggressive they might be. Nice to hear they're not. Some will be sold (to pay for my plant habit :lol: ) and some will go into my beds.
