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growing cimiciguga unde black walnut?

Posted: Mar 13, 2010 12:59 pm
by isadora
I want to grow cimicifuga in an area dominated by a huge black walnut. Anybody ever tried to grow one under a black walnut> Successful, or no?

Re: growing cimiciguga unde black walnut?

Posted: Mar 13, 2010 3:19 pm
by kaylyred
I never tried growing one under a black walnut, but I would say that cimicifuga/actaea (they're the same thing) wouldn't care much for tree root competition in general. The ones I grew liked to be kept moist and their edges crisped if they got too dry. They also have a thick prong-like root structure (which makes them a pain to try to divide) that requires deep soil.

Re: growing cimiciguga unde black walnut?

Posted: Mar 13, 2010 4:34 pm
by isadora
After doing some more research, reading experiments about MOAG growing black cohosh under black walnuts, and the consensus that it will grow where ginseng, ginger, and other native plants can be found, it appears that black walnuts have no effect on cimicifuga (cohosh, actaea, whatever it's designation is at this particular time) so I think I may try it. It should look great behind hostas and with giant solomon's seal, which are already there. I guess I can always move it if it doesn't do well.

Re: growing cimiciguga unde black walnut?

Posted: Mar 13, 2010 6:00 pm
by Chris_W

You are right, there isn't any problem growing them under black walnuts. That's all we have here and we grow all of our cimicifuga (Actaea) under them. The roots of the black walnut go deep, too, and they don't have any fine surface roots of their own, so they are great in that regard.

I just posted this picture of Regal Splendor on the hosta forum and to the right you can see the dark foliage of Actaea 'Brunette'. Yes, they do wilt when they get dry, so fairly regular watering is needed, but I think it is worth it :)

Re: growing cimiciguga unde black walnut?

Posted: Mar 13, 2010 7:18 pm
by isadora
Beautiful! I'm going to go for it, astilbes, coral bells and more hostas as well, there are already hellebores, ferns, ginger, wild phlox and Jacob's ladder so it should fit in just fine. Just as soon as I get rid of the Virginia waterleaf that thinks it should have that space all to itself. Sometimes wildflowers are just pushy! Thanks.

Re: growing cimiciguga unde black walnut?

Posted: Mar 14, 2010 1:32 am
by kaylyred
Great to hear that cimicifuga can do well under black walnuts. They definitely are showstoppers when they're in bloom. :)

Re: growing cimiciguga unde black walnut?

Posted: Apr 11, 2010 9:32 pm
by LucyGoose
isadora wrote:I want to grow cimicifuga in an area dominated by a huge black walnut. Anybody ever tried to grow one under a black walnut> Successful, or no?
I have them right under.......they have been there for years........still there, too! Go for it!! :cool:

Re: growing cimiciguga unde black walnut?

Posted: Mar 31, 2011 7:36 pm
by isadora
I thought I had lost the cimiciuga that I planted last year under the black walnut, it seemed to slowly disappear and finally I didn't see it any more........but this spring, it came back with a vengance! The clump is now over a foot across and growing like a weed! So I guess that settles the question once and for all, they will definitely grow under black walnut. Thanks everybody for all your input!