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Violet_Skies' page (Sarajane)

Posted: Nov 06, 2005 2:40 pm
by Violet_Skies
Hi, I used to be here a lot, then got caught up in other things, but I'm still around! I grow many different hostas in containers now that I am in an apartment, and I don't know which is which anymore since they got all thrown together when we moved, but one of these days I am going to get around to matching names with faces again. I have a raised bed veggie garden that I love, and I garden organically and compost & stuff. I am fond of heirloom open pollinated varieties and do a lot of seed trading to try new things. I also grow annual flowers, different ones each season. My herb bed is worked into my flower beds. I basically just have fun and do what I feel like. I do garden art too, furniture decorative painting, container painting, even painting on rocks. Here is a picture of my and my kids and dog taken in July 2005, and a few garden pictures too.


Beets, violets, jalapenos and oregano...I like to mix things up




Black Hollyhocks


Hosta blossoms and daylilies


Another daylily


Cleome and red milkweed, for the monarchs


Posted: Nov 06, 2005 8:10 pm
by newtohosta-no more
Lovely pics, Sarajane! And you and your children make a fine looking family. :D

Posted: Nov 06, 2005 8:19 pm
by LucyGoose
Hi Sarajane!!

Boy, your son has really gown up!! I remember his picture a long time ago when he was a little guy.....:lol: Your DD is pretty, and so are you!!

You sure do grow a lot of stuff for being in an appartment.....Must be cause you are on the bottom....Beautiful pictures and thanks for sharing them!!

Glad to see you again!! :D

Posted: Nov 17, 2005 12:00 am
by Violet_Skies
Yeah, I do grow a lot, but not very much of any one thing. If only I had the room...the sky would be the limit. And now I am down to my herbs in pots indoors under lights, waiting for it to be spring again...

Posted: Feb 17, 2006 3:47 pm
by Violet_Skies
My gardening so far in 2006 has consisted of keeping a rosemary plant and a lavender plant alive inside under lights until spring...they're looking pretty miserable right now. Also I received a miniature rose plant in the mail from my sweet daughter for my birthday, and I'm hoping it survives on my sunny windowsill until it can be outside too. Other than that, I have a tray of 72 shallot seedlings growing under lights. So far so good, with them.