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Need advice is this?......

Posted: Jun 02, 2005 9:35 am
by hummingbird
Need your opinions on whether you think this Mont Aureo Marginata is virused.
I bought it last yr at a respectable nursery, but this yr it isn't looking so great. Not sure if it's due to the cold spring here as this one did take a very long time to come up opposed to my more mature clump of this same hosta.
I don't see any blotchiness, but all those bumps (warts) is what has me puzzled. Hopefully these pics are good enough to see it. If not I'll try and take better ones. Your help/advice is appreciated.

Posted: Jun 02, 2005 10:09 am
by flowerchild59
I think that is frost damage, but I am no expert by any means.

Posted: Jun 02, 2005 10:20 am
by hummingbird
Hi Cheryl, I really do like your answer :lol: . Hope your right and others agree.

Posted: Jun 02, 2005 11:01 am
by shadylanejewel
Sorry Rachael

You're not going to like my answer.

Yours looks exactly like the ones I bought in last year. When they came up I thought they looked like they had frost damage, so I cut off the leaves and let them come up again. They still didn't look right so I sent leaves to Dr. Lockhart and all tested positive for HVX.

I bought them from NW Bulb & Perennial and they had brought them in from a Dutch grower. Is there anywhere for you to have yours tested?

Posted: Jun 02, 2005 11:08 am
by Chris_W
Thanks Julie, for sharing your experience. I was thinking frost damage too, but it also didn't seem to look right around the edges. I was going to suggest waiting for the next flush of foliage to come out before trashing it, but I would certainly believe that HVX could make it look this way.

Can we add your experience with Northwest Bulb to our grower list?

Posted: Jun 02, 2005 12:12 pm
by hummingbird
Well folks, I think I will err on the side of caution and dispose of it regardless if it is or not. If there's any doubt I don't want to risk it. I do already have a decent clump of this one anyway so not a major deal.
Julie I'm not sure where I would go to get it tested around these parts, but would have to make a few calls to find out.
Thanks for all the help now I know what to do and it's outta here today!

Posted: Jun 02, 2005 5:50 pm
by thy
It look exactly as mine... or rather one eye one mine. Did think frost damage and knew for sure it was up before the winter came here in late February.... will cut the eye back and see what will happen.. it is not close to any other hosta so I will do it tomorrow and see what happpens :o


Posted: Jun 02, 2005 6:24 pm
by Liselotte
Oh no! I was hoping some leaves on Paradigm looking like that, were frost damage. I have ten plants (4 years), always looked good, did not touch them until yesterday, when I found some strange white spots on them. The giant wood ant hill moved 4 ft. over into Paradigm and I thought is was the ants.