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Think mine has it too....

Posted: Jun 29, 2005 12:46 pm
by hummingbird
Well I took a few pics of one of my striptease plants and I'm thinking it doesn't look right. If it appears to you all it has a problem then I'll dispose of it and most likely the other clumps of her too. I don't want to have that variety around if it's such a threat to everything. To be quite honest Striptease to me isn't all that visually appealing so I can live with the answer if it's sickly. What better way to create space when I need all I can get :lol: . Ok here it goes....

Posted: Jun 29, 2005 12:47 pm
by hummingbird
just 2 more...

Posted: Jun 29, 2005 1:21 pm
by Chris_W
Hi Rachel,

I don't see any evidence of HVX in any of these pictures. Looks like normal coloration with a little bit of streaking thrown in.

There is nothing at all showing that would lead me to believe this plant has the virus. If you've had it for a while I would say it is fine. If it was a newer purchase keep watching it, but so far so good :)

Posted: Jun 29, 2005 1:26 pm
by hummingbird
:hmm: Just when I was making mental notes as what to put in those empty spaces :lol: . Guess I'll have to keep them then, I really thought there was somthing wrong and this plant being the worse one becuz there was more varieation in the colors and some streaks. These I've had 4-5 yrs now so not new aquisitions, my eye is always watching though Chris, thanks for the quick reply and good news. :wink:

Posted: Jul 01, 2005 2:35 am
by Richiegirl
Chris, I posted this link in the Hosta Forum. Article on Striptease as Hosta of the Year ... by a U. of Wisconsin horticulturist. ... ease05.htm

Check those leaves on the right. Those look like mine on the plant I've been watching. I have all of those leaf variations on the same plant. Is that normal for Striptease? In the same article, their pictures of the entire plant show leaves that are all the same ... very uniform.

Does Striptease fail to thrive when infected like some? Mine is so robust and this year the random white lines are very obvious and clear, but not always a straight line separating the center from the margin. The demarcation between the yellow (or chartreuse) center and the green outer margin is muddy on many of my Striptease's leaves, and there are a few small dark green marks in the center. How to know if those are the telltale virus "bleed" or a normal streak?


Posted: Jul 01, 2005 9:25 am
by Chris_W
Hi Richelle,

Striptease likes to sport so much that it can really have a lot of different looks to it.

Some dark green streaks to the center are normal. When it starts to get dark green, disconnected spotting along the veins that slowly fills itself in and eventually connects from vein to vein that's the virus. It is obvious once it happens and gets more pronounced as it matures.

If you aren't sure by this time of the year then you are probably safe. There are a lot of older Striptease that never had the virus. The infected plants we bought in 2003 didn't really start to show the spotting and oddness until the following summer. This spring they were very obvious, with the center looking just like an infected Gold Standard.

Posted: Jul 01, 2005 10:04 pm
by PeggyC
I'm glad Rachel posted. My Striptease purchased in 2000 looks a lot like her but nothing like the pictures Chris posted. I do have a Gold Standard (2003), Janet (2004), and Captain Kirk (2003) that I'm watching.

Posted: Jul 02, 2005 1:33 am
by Richiegirl
Thanks, Chris! All the pictures and your explanation have convinced me that my Strip is probably OK. I'm keeping a close watch on it, however, because I got it right when all the bad ones started showing up on the market. This year, it's really leaped and is quite an eye-catcher in my garden. I would hate to see virus symptoms at this point!


Posted: Jul 03, 2005 11:20 am
by JaneG
Ditto what Peg said. This is helpful because I was worried about my Striptease, which looks like Rachel's. Thank goodness it looks nothing like what Chris posted!