Older Sun Power division - probable virus - ???

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Older Sun Power division - probable virus - ???

Post by Richiegirl »

I just discovered blue splotches on a Sun Power I divided from a very old "mother plant" in my hosta garden at home. I'm pretty sure it is a virus ... blotchy blue markings on some leaves, with some bleeding where the blue is in veins ... but not sure it is HVX. Any ideas if this sounds like HVX? If so, it must be the result of contaminated tools.

The original plant, purchased 15-20 years ago, with divisions taken a number of times, is fine. The blotchy division is in a bed in front of my store. It has probably been there about 6-7 years with no symptoms until this year. I lost a Blue Angel in that bed last year ... it just got weaker and declined and had flabby looking leaves. It, too, was a division from a 15-20 year old original in my home garden. I have not planted anything else in that spot. The original BA was also declining (getting smaller and smaller each year) in my home garden, but it seemed to be a case of root competition. I moved it (what was left of it) to a new location and will watch it.
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Post by Chris_W »


Take a look at Eternal Father:


This is an HVX infected Sun Power that was registered in 1999.

Also, look at the back of the leaves to see if there is any damage to the backs. Sometimes frost damage will hit the backs of the leaves and then cause a discoloration on the front of the leaves. You would see some bubbling or other surface damage to the backs. But if there is some "bleeding" of the color radiating from the veins I would guess HVX first.
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Post by Richiegirl »

Chris, the splotches on mine are subtle ... it looks like the leaves were brushed with green water color. I will attempt a picture with the camera in my Palm and post it. Another thought is that it could be a different virus. Although the green isn't dark green, there does seem to be some bleeding in the veins, which is why I'm suspicious.

Richelle in Madison
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