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They followed me home....honest!

Posted: May 09, 2007 11:53 am
by Brenda
So I have Paris, Rave On, Cinnabar Silver and Fireworks sitting in my livingroom. Purchased these a couple of weeks ago at a plant show and am just waiting to plant them out (soon!).
I got chocolate ruffles a couple of days ago (thought I had it, turns out I was wrong and it is crimson curls I have. Woohoo, got one I didnt have and didnt even realize it).

Decided to stop at home depot this morning to check out the garden center. Smuggled home in the car was Can Can, Caramel and Snow Angel. Managed to get them out the car without anyone noiticing :D .


Posted: May 09, 2007 12:24 pm
by caliloo
Awesome Brenda!

I really like the look of Paris - I am just waiting for it to come down a bit in price.

Congrats on all your purchases - they sound great!


Posted: May 09, 2007 4:15 pm
by MollyD
:cry: My Home Depot doesn't stock nice stuff like that!! Wish I could get some nice heucheras to follow me home ...quietly of course!
Got Obsidian today in an order of hostas from Chris. Was the first one to get planted. It's having a hard time dealing with today's horribly hot (for us) weather. I've watered it several times today to ease the stress factor.


Posted: May 09, 2007 11:41 pm
by Brenda
Caliloo, the nursery where I got Paris is where I have bought most of heucheras from. She amazing plants, I don't think I have ever lost one from her, she's really honest (will openly tell you not to waste your money on amber waves, which one is better than the other etc) and he prices are really reasonable compared to the other nurseries. I paid 13.99 for Paris, Rave on and Cinnabar Silver and 12.99 for fireworks. Usually around Ottawa, most of the nurseries charge around $25 for the newer varieties (then drop the price the next year because they don't usually sell at prices that high). If she didn't have it I would have probably waited.

MollyD, usually home depot doesn't have plants like that or they aren't named. I got 3 there at the end of the season that weren't named other than heuchera. But they were on clearance so grabbed them anyways. Luckily this year they have named the plants. I figured they would have caramel as they had it last year, but was not expected to see snow angel or can can there. They had the usual palace purple too. I may check out a couple more walmarts/home depots tomorrow as I find they sometimes get different stock.

You will like Obsidian, it is one of my favorites (but then they are all my favorites, in case you haven't noticed, I have an addiction to them :lol: . I am worse than a kid in a candy store come spring time!)


Posted: May 10, 2007 8:23 am
by MollyD
I got Snow Angel at a local nursery here for $8.99

What's wrong with Amber Waves? I have it and so far (fingers crossed) it's been good. I sell it too.


Posted: May 10, 2007 8:51 am
by Brenda
MollyD, alot of people had problems with amber waves dying out. I had 2, one died off completely and the other has never gotten any bigger that a couple of inches. I think it is the smallest one I have ever seen. Marmelade was supposed to be hardier and caramel is supposed to be even better. If ambr waves is growing for you, then you must be doing something right!


Posted: May 10, 2007 9:21 am
by MollyD
must be a case of ignorance is bliss! :lol: I have three out in the garden and 15 in pots in the greenhouse and all are doing nicely and have lots of new growth. Couldn't tell you why.


Posted: May 10, 2007 2:29 pm
by renaldo75
You & your stealthy ways have got some nice heucheras in this latest buying binge. :wink: 8-)

I am one of the ones that Amber Waves has never done well for. I can't remember if I'm on my 2nd or 3rd one, but the 1st [most expensive one] died overwinter the 1st year I had it. I thought I'd saved what was left of the current one last fall. It put out a bit of tiny new growth & looked OK this spring until the cold zapped it. I'd need to go out to look again to see if it's showing any signs of life. It'll be miniscule if there is. :???:

Posted: May 10, 2007 6:50 pm
by nanny_56
I got Snow Angel last weekend & saw Midnight Rose, but it was a very small plant maybe 3in. diameter in large pot for $15 bucks so I passed. Was hard though because it looks like it would go real pretty next to Snow Angel.

Posted: May 10, 2007 10:59 pm
by MollyD
I'd love to have Midnight Rose and Sparkling Burgundy and Caramel and Georgia Peach and Geisha Fan and Creme Brulee and Mint Frost and Rave On and ....................

:eek: No money left!!!!!!!!

:lol: MollyD

Posted: May 11, 2007 9:42 pm
by Brenda
Here is a photo of the ones I bought at home depot, plus the chocolate ruffles and a heucherella quicksilver that somehow joined the group :lol: . Dont know how it got there....honest
(got to stay out of the garden centers).

MollyD, I can relate to the no money, but luckily I have found most of then for a fraction of what I would pay in the nursery, otherwise I would not have bought so many.

Nanny_56, midnight rose is on the list but like you so far most of the ones I have seen so far have been really tiny also.


Posted: May 11, 2007 11:02 pm
by nanny_56
Nice plants there, Brenda! Looks like you did good, for sure.

My want list grows longer everyday and I have that $$ shortage problem too!! :lol:


Posted: May 12, 2007 8:40 am
by MollyD
That looks like a nice collection to me! Too bad my garden centers aren't that creative about what they stock.

Now a question about frost. We're under a frost warning tonight. How much danger to our newly planted heucheras? Got to ask this question in the hosta forum too since I just planted some 22 new ones.


Posted: May 12, 2007 8:47 am
by newtohosta-no more
Nice purchases! I do have an Obsidian on order with Chris and I'm looking forward to getting that one. I haven't really been on a good Heuch Hunt yet this year. I did see a couple nice ones at a local nursery ,but thought they were a tad high priced so I'll wait and look at other places before I buy any there.
And count me in on the number of people who have trouble with Amber Waves. I planted two a couple years ago and one may be dead (I'll have to go double check) and the other one is not doing well. If they both die off, I don't think I'll replace them. :roll:

Posted: May 12, 2007 9:10 am
by maidofshade
I have decided with all the varieties availiable if I find one that won't grow for me there will be no replacing it. :evil: These are addicting for sure--but look so nice planting in amonst hostas and tucking in here and there. 8-) IT IS FUN to find bargains but got to save up for these splurges--lunches at work get a little creative this time of year :lol:

Posted: May 12, 2007 9:30 am
by MollyD
My splurges this year have been three high priced daylilies ($150. each) OUCH!

Balking at spending too much on other plants right now.


Posted: Jun 05, 2007 2:51 pm
by Maureen_Ottawa
Brenda, where did you find Heucherella Quicksilver?! I gave up looking for it a couple of years ago.

Posted: Jun 07, 2007 9:42 pm
by Brenda

I found the heucherella quicksilver at Sobeys in Kanata. It was $6.99. I was there last night and they still had a couple left. But you have to look through the racks to find it, they are kind of messed up now and they were hiding at the back.


Posted: Jun 08, 2007 5:36 pm
by Maureen_Ottawa
Thanks, Brenda. Not sure that I'll make the trip just for one plant though...

Posted: Jun 08, 2007 9:38 pm
by Brenda

If you take the Queensway and get off at Terry Fox, you will go right by the Sobeys. After that keep going and to the end of Terry Fox, turn right on Eagleson and it will take you right to Richmond Nursery :lol:
