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Post by renaldo75 »


Everyone's story is a little different of how they came to love our favorite plant, the Hosta. As our passion for the plant grew, we reached out and found there were others who shared that passion. Although we do not expect it to happen, we all find that while Hostas are great plants and can be a great hobby, the friendships that we make in the Hosta world are the real reason we love Hostas. That is why over the years, Hostas have become known as "The Friendship Plant." There is a special couple who have been very generous in sharing their passion, their plants, and their seeds to encourage others to become interested in the Hosta world. That couple is Brian and Virginia Skaggs.

As many of you know, Brian was recently diagnosed with a life-threatening illness and has been unable to care for himself. Through the grace of God, his loving wife Virginia has been there by his side to help him get through these tough days. Like many of us, they are hard-working Americans who have fallen on troubled times. With Brian unable to work, and Virginia spending much of her time caring for him, there has been a serious reduction of income. Although Brian and Virginia would never ask for help, some of us in the Hosta community felt this would be a practical time to show our gratitude, love, and support.

We will be holding an online plant auction on the Hosta Library website starting March 26th, 2011 through April 2nd, 2011. If you could donate a plant to help raise funds for Brian and Virginia, whether it be a special one-of-a-kind Hosta or just an “everyday” Hosta, please contact Jeff Miller at the following e-mail address: Please include your name, the plant that you are willing to donate, a description of the plant, and a picture if you have one. If you do not have a photo of the plant we will find one. If you can't donate a plant, please consider bidding on some of the wonderful Hostas that we will have available in the auction. One hundred percent of the proceeds will be given to Brian and Virginia to assist in helping them maintain the quality of life they deserve.

Thanks so much,
Jeff Miller
Phone 608-580-0190
Land of the Giants Hosta Farm

This was posted last night on Hostapix by Kathy Sorensen/Shades of Hosta:
Hey everybody --

I just got off the phone with Virginia and she asked that I update you all on Brian's surgery last Thursday. The surgery went well and Brian came through it well also. Now they are waiting for the results of the biopsy of the tumor they removed. You all know this -- the hurry up and wait game. While they still do not know what they are up against or what that means for the future, they are happy the surgery went well.

Work continues on their home to make it more wheelchair friendly for Brian. A crew will be there Thursday and Friday to build a much needed deck and ramp. This will give Brian a place to sit this summer and watch his beautiful hostas grow, and will make it easier for Virginia to get him to appointments. They are also installing flooring that will make wheels much easier to move. The conversion of the master bathroom to wheelchair accessible continues.

I also mentioned the *** Skaggs Plant Auction Benefit *** to them. They are very touched and grateful. I would like to add a personal note to this -- please, please, PLEASE bid like you have never bid before. The Skaggs have done so much for so many. We need to show them how grateful we are for their contributions to the world of hostas, but also to each of our own personal lives as well. Rarely are you fortunate enough to run across a couple that is so kind and generous. So I shamelessly, passionately, fervently ask that you support the plant auction and bid like there's no tomorrow!!

As information is available on the results of the testing, Virginia or I will keep you all informed. There are currently many struggles in our hosta family, let's show everyone how good, kind and generous we all can be and support the Skaggs in what is obviously a very difficult situation.

They would very much appreciate it if you'd continue to keep them in your thoughts, prayers and good wishes.

Thanks everybody!!

I have never met Brian & Virginia & just know them thru their posts on Hostapix and their hosta hybridizing. But as I was thinking about it yesterday, I realized that the hosta community is a lot like a small town where everybody sort of knows everybody else thru one association or another. I've always said that with hostas, the six degrees of separation thing is only about 2 or 3.

10 years ago my wife's cancer was spreading and the small community we were a part of was kind enough to hosta a fundraising dinner for us. I am still touched by the generosity of everyone involved. I knew a lot of people who attended very well having lived there most of my life and owning a business, but there were some that I only knew by association. Yet those people were there helping because that's what small communities do.

I hope all who can will be able to contribute in some way to helping the hosta community's benefit for Brian & Virginia Skaggs!! I will be.


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Latitude: 40° 59' 17.6676"; Longitude: -94° 44' 28.014"
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Post by Linda P »

The countdown is on! Saturday is the start of the big auction. I can't wait to see what will be up for grabs. How sweet can it can get your hands on some great plants, and not feel at all guilty about bidding because the funds are going to a great cause.
Here are my donations...nothing really earth-shaking, but first time available anywhere on these two seedlings that have a big presence in the garden.
This is an Empress Wu seedling from seed donated by B&V at Winter Scientific in 2006.   I thought it would be appropriate to offer a piece of this one, with the garden name of Princess WuWu.
This is an Empress Wu seedling from seed donated by B&V at Winter Scientific in 2006. I thought it would be appropriate to offer a piece of this one, with the garden name of Princess WuWu.
Here's my favorite Lena (streaked Lime Piecrust) seedling so far.   I've named it Barndance, because it has such a sense of motiong.  The dark lavendar flowers really stand out against that yellow gold.
Here's my favorite Lena (streaked Lime Piecrust) seedling so far. I've named it Barndance, because it has such a sense of motiong. The dark lavendar flowers really stand out against that yellow gold.
Lena seedling July 09.JPG (53.69 KiB) Viewed 1110 times
Get your bidding fingers warmed up and ready to go!
Linda P

OOps....meant to say that the dark lavendar buds and light lavendar flowers stand out....My bad.
Last edited by Linda P on Mar 24, 2011 9:26 am, edited 1 time in total.
And time remembered is grief forgotten,
And frosts are slain and flowers begotten.....
Algernon Charles Swinburne

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Post by R. Rock »

Hi Linda,

This is very generous of you! :wink:

I didn't realize 'Empress Wu' or seedlings had so much blue. Perhaps, I do need that one :o

'Barn Dance' looks great. I understand there is a huge, lengthy waiting list on this one; three pages deep. Everyone wants it, deservably so. I understand it to be one of the few piecrusted yellow/golds that are great plants. Add originator stock to this and I would expect an easy $5oo.oo banger, deserves more :cool: :cool: :cool: ! It is very generous of you to let this one go w/o royalties.

Take Care
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Post by redcrx »

Hi Linda, I can give a hint on some. I donated three groups:

Luna Moth & Goodness Gracious
High Society, Autumn Frost & First Frost
Hanky Panky, Kiwi Full Monty & White Bikini

From Chris's stock - so you know they are the best. These are some of my favorites.
Ed McHugh, Sicklerville NJ
ImageMockingbird feeding juvenile yellow raisons - never leave home without them.
Linda P
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Post by Linda P »

Rick, that EWU seedling is more gray than blue, and since I'm growing it in full sun it does look more green by the middle of summer. I have 3 of them comes up a light green that is close to yellow, but doesn't keep it long at all. They're all nice big plants, but this one has a cool layered look to it.
The Barndance list is growing..... :lol:
Ed...nice groups there! You couldn't go wrong with any of the three. You've got at least one plant in each of those groups that I don't have yet. Hmmmmmm...

Linda P
And time remembered is grief forgotten,
And frosts are slain and flowers begotten.....
Algernon Charles Swinburne

Latitude: 41° 51' 12.1572"

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Post by kaylyred »

The link for the auction is up in preparation for its start tomorrow:
~ Karen

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